filling station

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the advantage of a flip up lid..!!!!

the cashier (sorry camera)can see your face, so all is "legal"..

and i can relax and have a *** whilst filling up.

How can you still talk on your mobile , smoke & fill your tank at the same time ?
Mrs KB had a row with a female attendant on a petty station forcourt.The woman refused to serve us untill we removed our lids.The missus stormed the kiosk while I took a step backwards.:popcorn
She gave it all the 'victimisation','If I was Muslim,wearing a veil/burkha,etc.No good,...'you cant have fuel untill you remove your helmets.Its the law!'When Mrs KB came out of the kiosk,the woman followed her,brandishing some leaflet.At this point,I called the missus over before she smacked the woman in the gob.:crazy We rode off and filled up with no problems a few miles up the road.
So,Total garage,A47 Wisbech bypass gets a **** off from her,...and Total garage Kings Lynn (A47/A17 junction) gets the thumbs up from me.:thumbup
Throw nozzle on floor and leave .

We should target these garages ., it`s been said before.

A good number go to said garages and take up the pumps, strip helmet gloves etc off slowly and put 1 or two lts in.
go in to pay but nosey around for bits (it`s a shop as well now) and pay up ,saunter back to bike and slowly replace all protective gear................

cars should be queing up by now ...
We should target these garages ., it`s been said before.

A good number go to said garages and take up the pumps, strip helmet gloves etc off slowly and put 1 or two lts in.
go in to pay but nosey around for bits (it`s a shop as well now) and pay up ,saunter back to bike and slowly replace all protective gear................

cars should be queing up by now ...

I'm right up for that idea ... I'd LOVE a half dozen of us to stage that little trick in my local garage ...
The sad fact is more filling stations are robbed by scrotes in lids than people in bhurka's
I take my lid off in places that dont know me ,a 6ft4 chunky monkey striding across the forecourt most be scary enough without leaving my lid on
Was at a petrol station which is about 4 miles away and filled up (with lid still on) problem went to pay (with lid still on) and was told by the cashier the next time I fill up can u I not sit on the bike while doing so.......WTF so I said the cashier that I won't be able to get a full tank because the bike will be on the which she said yes I know (as she was a biker herself) but it's a new tesco's which I stated there won't be a next time and have since used either a local petrol station (where they don't give a ****) or a pay at the pump.....WTF is this country coming to.....
Can't say i've ever had a problem around Ipswich with leaving my lid on or sitting on the bike when filling up, Although I did walk into Morrisons supermarket the other day and forgot to take it off and immediatley the store manager started chasing me and shouting for me to take it off. I pretended not to hear him for a minute and when he stopped me I appologised and said that I couldn't hear him as I had my lid on :D
That guy seriously had no sense of humour at all :banghead :lol
Right lets try asnd clear this up a bit. I was talking to the manager of Waitrose who I did a lot of work for once and I asked him about this helmet law. His reply was "its illegal to sell petrol to anyone under the age of 16 and we can't tell how old someone is with a helmet on".

My reply was its illegal for a 15year old to ride a bike let alone control a 1000cc Tuono motorbike (lesser powered motorbikes are available but not as much fun).

I guess said 15year old could be a pillion but usually I would have thought the petrol station employee would have seen the biker ride in.

It all comes down to the jobsworth working in the petrol station whether they use their common sense or not. It could be robbed by someone walking in from around the corner with a Balaclava on plus bikers are at a disadvantage of having a registration plate on the back (unless of course its nicked). I would have thought it comes down to shop policy mostly and they'd get into trouble if said workers didn't request bikers to take theor helmets off so might be worth considering that next time people start to get cheesed off. They might get a warning if they don't request and refuse to sell petrol to people with helmets on.

As for the bikes not being able to be filled up whilst still on it (I do that as I can get more fuel in) but I think the reason for this is if the bike falls over they get a petrol spillage.
As for the bikes not being able to be filled up whilst still on it (I do that as I can get more fuel in) but I think the reason for this is if the bike falls over they get a petrol spillage.

I think it's because the theory is you could slip whilst filling the bike up, topple over and petrol would go everywhere. Two things:

1) In 30 years of riding I've never known anyone, or heard of anyone who's done this.
2) If I were forced to get off the bike before filling it, I'd hold the bike upright with the bars to brim the tank (as the range on the T is bad enough as it is). This is far more likely to see me toppling over, or at least dropping the bike, and spraying petrol everywhere.

It's bollocks.
There was a big doo about it last year, cant remember whether it was MCN or Bike. Asda were one of the offenders.

I was asked once and just never returned to that station again.
The rason they want you to get of the bike is they think it is likely you will ride off with out paying if you sit on it and fill up
Last time I had grief, I ignored tannoy request to remove lid, strolled into shop, and shouted 'pump is broken'
'no it isn't, you need to remove your helmet'
'WHAT' ?
'you need to remove your helmet'!
'take your helmet off'!
'your helmet, you need to take it off''
'your helmet'!!!

Now at the front of the que, I proceeded to remove my helmet (very slowly) followed by scarf and earplugs. The que behind now about 10 long.
Apologise politely to everyone, and ask matey if I can have some petrol now.
Go in to pay, pretend I have no money, look at expression on face then give him my card.
Long winded I know, but it brightens my day no end.

BTW, I know of a bloke from Wolverhampton that used to sit on his bike whilst re-fuelling. Overspill burst into flames, and he was lucky to escape with just his knackers singed :lol:
Easiet way to solve the problem, go to the kiosk and pay first as happens in the US. No pay, no fuel. Simples
Picture this.

Very obviously set up a couple of cameras on tripods outside (not on their property) a petrol station where bikers are discriminated against.

A couple of lads on bikes ride onto the forecourt at exactly the same moment that 2 of their mates - dressed from head to toe in burkas, wearing rucksacks and carrying petrol cans stroll in ...

All go to pumps.

That my fine fellows would make an awesome Youtube video!

I reckon the poxy jobsworthy in my local garage would burst a vein!
love it welly,love it. We should definately do that, and when we go to pay get a huge bag of 2 pence peices out !!
only issue i have had is after filling up, being asked to take off my helmet at the kiosk. with credit card in-hand. "I might rob the place" apparently. Why can i rob the place with perfect ID, and why I would i try to pay 1st? Laugh out loud - Me old Man has also been refused permission to pay if he didn't take hlment off!
I can just imagine, "Here's £1.40 per litre, now I've netered my PIN, can I have all the money in the till, thanks you're too kind!"
me and female assistants are just not geting on this weekend just popped to the local shop and asked if they had any ibuprofen she said yes 59p a box i said great give me three boxes please they will come in handy she said i can only buy 2 boxes just incase i top myself fuel yesterday pain killers today:banghead
no you are wright whitey stopped going to local morrisons for same reason no probs at shell garage today us old gits must stick together