Essex Ride Out

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Jan 17, 2011
Hi All,
What with the weather improving and me having a free weekend this weekend - does anyone fancy a ride out Saturday or Sunday.

We could meet at the services on the A12 at Boreham say 10am and go from there - route to be decided, maybe back roads up passed stanstead into suffolk?

Let me know

I would have been up for it but I have to work this weekend. How about the weekend after, if we still have the nice weather?
LOL!!! I work every other weekend, but we can try and ride out another time.

Are you an Essex Biker?
Thurrock Lakeside. Are you on the EB forum then? I'm there same name and bike, LOL
Hi gman - I'am in Chelmsford, Essex mate - Off Broomfield Road
If the weather permits, I'll join ya... 26th or 27th Yeah ?? - If the weather does permit, do you want to meet up in the petrol station or the macdonalds car park ???

NickyBoy :thumbup:thumbup
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Hi g, I'm in glesga, any blonde bints goin ???

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