Electrical problems

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Jun 10, 2018
Stoke on trent
I'm new to the forum had my 58 plate tuono since September last year loved every minute so far.

I have just done a trip over to Croatia on the bike. on the way back the bike started playing up every time we stopped in traffic and the fans kicked in I would get the red triangle and my voltage would drop to 11v as soon as the bike cools down it would start charging again I have checked my serial numbers I have the later stator I have checked the brown block no signs of over heating just wondering if any one has had the same issues
sounds like oil getting too hot and buggering the stator hence the voltage drop .
was the trip it traffic contstant start stop ??
check oil grade and state of filter , and coolant type and quality !!
Yes when i was on autobahns or fast flowing roads I had no p4oblems it was only when I was In traffic or Sat still the problem started.
ok I'll change the oil and filter and coolant see if that makes any difference..
I did change the oil before I went but have done 4000 miles in very hot climates
I had similar experience some years ago on a gsxr1100 in amsterdam , that was down to just **** oil .
lesson learnt !!!!

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