EFI light 😭

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Sep 28, 2018
Sussex uk
Hi guys I have a rsv mille r 2004
When riding once passed 3k revs the efi light comes on , however it doesn’t seem to cause
Any issues , once the Rev go below 3k the light disappear
I have checked all the wiring , and connectors and everything seem ok .also I have been looking for the two phamtomatic wires near the battery with the bullet connectors but I m not able to locate them .
Can anyone help ?? Many thanks
ok I put a new battery , new fuel pump ne spark plugs and oil change as well as the oil pressure sensors .
Not only the light comes on and stay on as soon as I start the bike !!
This a gen1 ? The bullet Diag wires you are looking for are under the rear r/h side near the mesh on a gen1.

If it's a charging issue you need to measure the input from the stator into the reg/rec

They should all be pretty much the same output at tickover and almost identical again at 4K rpm also. Measure all three across one another with a multimeter. If one is different or all different the you stator is burning out. Also check input into battery in case the reg is faulty.
Yeah, 2004 to ??? Years have that stator burn out problem, lots of good info on tech forum. If your brown connector from the rectifier is fried, that's probably the problem but do the test. I have an 03, so got lucky with this. Good luck man, keep us posted
This a gen1 ? The bullet Diag wires you are looking for are under the rear r/h side near the mesh on a gen1.

If it's a charging issue you need to measure the input from the stator into the reg/rec

They should all be pretty much the same output at tickover and almost identical again at 4K rpm also. Measure all three across one another with a multimeter. If one is different or all different the you stator is burning out. Also check input into battery in case the reg is faulty.

Hi guys , I have solved the effi light issue!!!
It was a brown connector between rectifier and stator ! I cut the wires and soldered them
And the light disappeared ! Although I’m not happy with the voltage output !
It ticks over at 12.7v and at 4K , barely reach 13v
Checked the stator output and and it’s pretty much the same across the tree wires
And rectifier should be ok too !!any tips ??
Mann thanks
yeah that's low on the voltage, mine goes to 13.5, should be able to hit 14 or so. The riders that do the aftermarket stator and Mosfet rectifier get over 14 volts. The sprag clutch might start grinding if the bike starts to have trouble starting due to low voltage, I wouldn't hold the start button for too long. It's not just us, some japanese bikes have same issue as does the Harley Sportster 883.
Let us know what's going on. There's a real good read on this forum if you search Rectifier/Stator Problem. In any case, I love my RSV and most likely will never sell it. I've sold all the others, this one I'm attached too for some reason.
Ride safe, I almost moved to your side of the pond.
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yeah that's low on the voltage, mine goes to 13.5, should be able to hit 14 or so. The riders that do the aftermarket stator and Mosfet rectifier get over 14 volts. The sprag clutch might start grinding if the bike starts to have trouble starting due to low voltage, I wouldn't hold the start button for too long. It's not just us, some japanese bikes have same issue as does the Harley Sportster 883.
Let us know what's going on. There's a real good read on this forum if you search Rectifier/Stator Problem. In any case, I love my RSV and most likely will never sell it. I've sold all the others, this one I'm attached too for some reason.
Ride safe, I almost moved to your side of the pond.

I agree is a lovely bike ! But gosh it frustrate me ! Sometimes is nice to go out without worrying about breaking down . The immobilizer is fried ! ( currently looking for someone with a master key so I can fit a second hand unit )! Voltage is low ! Sometimes it misfires 😱😱😱😱although the misfiring could be due to the Lowe voltage . I will go and replace the power cable from battery to starter and see if it fixed the issue

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