EFI Issues

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Super Garvey
Oct 5, 2008
Wiltshire, UK
Well it had to happen to me sooner or later I guess!

A couple of weeks ago I washed the bike. Went to work the next day and WFI was flashing like a kipper on the dash. pulled in and it when away. No problems with the bike. Put it down to water on a sensor.
By the time I rode home, I watched the dash for about 30 miles and all was fine.
been fine for the last 2 weeks.
Cleaned the bike yesterday. good deep wash again and today I have EFI coming up again.

tonight, whist riding about 70-80 EFI was on. Pulled the clutch in and the temp appeared again.
Slowed down below 40 and the EFI had gone again. Rode in second as it seemed to come on over 4k but nothing:dunno
in sixth I rode about 50, that was fun lol: and EFI came back only for about 3 seconds.

The bike seems to be running welling, not missing or slow or even crappy. just fine!

What do you guys think it is. Water on a sensor of some sort or something major. Does the bike need to go on ebay? lol:

maybe just disconnect the dash, problem solved :thumbup
Garv. Never, ever wash an Italian bike.
But seeing as you have, a good dose of WD40 around the electrics might help.
water in the left air duct freezing or messing with the contacts of the atmos sensor. Stick and old sock in the duct when washing it or if left out in bad weather.

It will dry out eventually
water in the left air duct freezing or messing with the contacts of the atmos sensor. Stick and old sock in the duct when washing it or if left out in bad weather.

It will dry out eventually

What he said, used to happen on my old Mille - particularly if jetwashed (once, never done again) or really wet! :eek:
The problem will be when the efi will show before you started the bike, cus it just wont start.

If you got water in it should be oke in a few days when the water gets out.

I had this problem a few months ago, efi would show up randomly, diagnostycs show error 21, which should be the temp. senzor.

I fixed it be re-sorting the cables on the left side, I just duct tape them together, and now im EFIless :D
Thanks guys, Will do the sock thing. Ride the bike all through winter so need to wash it every weekend. Don't want the Salt to kill it. then again washing it seems to do that too lol:

Spoonze, where abouts is this sensor located. Might be a good time to take it apart and clean the thing :)
If you look in front of the bike, thru the ram air entrance, you will see something in the right "tunell" that is not present on the left... Thats the sensor :D

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