Dynojet Power Commander V Coming For 2009

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Nov 28, 2008
This article comes from AsphaltandRubber.com

DynoJet has come out with a new version of their Power Commander fuel injection computer, the Power Commander V. The new unit is smaller than the prior models, and more importantly it boasts some impressive features. The Power Commander V will only be available for 2009 model year motorcycles, so you’re pretty much out of luck if you actually own a bike right now, but if you’re in the market click to read all of the juicy details. Oh, did I mention this will be an auto-tuning device that dynamically changes your fuel based on sensors throughout the bike? Yeah, now you want to click for more.


The Power Commander V interfaces with a variety of DynoJet products and thus becomes the hub for information ranging from O2 sensors, gear and throttle readings, quick-shifter, map selection toggles, and a weather-proof LCD screen. From the wide-band O2 sensors comes the auto-tune feature. The PCV gathers real-time data from the sensors, and adjusts your air/fuel mixture to compensate for an optimum burn. There go custom maps.

Basic Features:

  • Reduced size from PCIIIusb (less than half of the size of PCIII)
  • USB powered from computer (9 volt adapter is no longer needed for programming)
  • 2 position map switching function built in (map switch not included)
  • Gear/Speed input (allows for map adjustment based on gear and speed)
  • Analog input (allows user to install any 0-5 volt sensor and build an adjustment table based on its input such as boost or temperature)
  • With gear position input connected the PCV is capable of allowing each cylinder to be mapped individually and for each gear (for example: on a 4 cylinder bike with a six speed transmission there could be up to 24 separate fuel tables).
  • Unit has a -100/+250% fuel change range (up from -100/+100%). This allows more adjustment range for 8 injector sportbikes
  • 10 throttle position columns (up from 9 on PCIIIusb)
  • Enhanced "accel pump" utility (increased adjustment and sensitivity ranges)
Auto Tune Specifications:

  • "Auto Tune" kit will be available that includes Wide Band O2 sensor(s) and control box(es). It will plug directly into the PCV and allow automatic fuel adjustments.
  • It can make a map for each gear and on a Harley Davidson models it can map each cylinder separately for each gear if needed. (basic settings would make one map for all gears)
  • Each map cell is individually adjustable so you can specify an exact AFR value for each area if needed.
Harley-Davidson Special Specifications:

  • Fuel and Timing control
  • Rev Xtend
  • "Warm Up" fuel adjustment (unit reads engine temp and allows fuel/timing adjustments based on it)
  • Software will display J1850 data from bikes' stock ECU (this is data such as temp, fuel pulse width, timing advance, spark knock, etc.)

For more information, visit DynoJet’s website*here.

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