Dirty Clutch Oil

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Aug 16, 2008
Stuttgart, Germany
I changed my clutch oil about 3 months ago, she has been changing gears no problems there, however i have noticed my oil is getting pretty dark....:confused

can anyone give me info about why its getting dark so fast and is there a cure i do to slow the process down.

i know its going to happen from friction and use, but is there an after-market cure? :dunno

thanks in advance:thumbup
I assume you mean clutch fluid. It is normal for it to go dark and I believe it's to do with the clutch slave cylinder construction. A common aftermarket fix is to fit an MPL slave (as I have). This gives a much easier clutch lever action and doesn't make the fluid go black in a very short time.

SPOONZ did get a 'job lot' of these recently but, as they come from Germany you may be able to source them cheaper than we can in the UK. We can only get them off ebay.
thanks for the info and yes i meant fluid, i will look into that tonights about the MPL
MPL or Evoluzione both do clutch slaves, make the lever pull a bit easier, dont know about the fluid mine still goes dark-they all do that sir.
cheers Ck
Its actually the Slave rubber seal that wears and gives the black colour some people use Divers silicon grease that stops it for some time but it will get dark again.
Cant stop it going black dude.....i got an MPL unit and it still goes dark...works fine but looks dirty thats all
the hell with spending money, might as well just get a 4 dollar bottle of fluid and change it every few months, then spending alot of money on an MPL, clutch works fine to me.
I was told its due to the Master cylinder that causes the dark fluid....bleed it at the MC to get rid of the dark fluid...if you bleed from the slave Cylinder you dont get the dark fluid so it cant be the SC.

if it works thats all that matters.....the Ducati's are the same by the way
thanks for all those who responded, it works so why Feck with it! rode good on the autobahn at 0730 in the morning here in germany, so i will just drain and replace fluid later!

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