Coolant leak?

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Aug 9, 2014
Hi all,
I've been seeing a slight coolant leak on my 08 r. When I rev high, coolant flows up and back from the right hand of the fairing, at the top, where the fairing meets the black trim panel (the horizontal one). I've had the fairing off and had a good look at the radiator cap and all those connections around there but it doesn't seem to be from there. It's hard to see where it IS coming from as when I rev the bike at a standstill there is no airflow to push the coolant out onto the fairing and I can't see where it's coming from at all. I haven't had the bike long and was wondering if there was any common fault like this? How easy is removing/refitting the tank? That may help me find it but don't want to find I need new o rings after I've got it off! The leak isn't much, just annoying. Bike temp at normal levels. Any help appreciated. Cheers, Jon
Hi There,

Here are some typical coolent leak areas.

1. Radiator cap (seals)
2. Hose connectors (tighten or add in gasket sealent at the edge before you lock the lock nut tight)
3. Radiator Fin's, this is the hardest to find & the one I assume that is happening to you.

Here's how I normally trouble shoot radiator fin (my car), take a big tub and fill it up with water. take the radiator out and slunt the radiator 45 deg and put it in the tub. if you see air bubbles, then there is a hole there somewhere, you will need to look carefully for the hole.

Now, you can seal it a couple of ways.

1. Weld it back... but you need to be very careful not to destroy it. (dangerous option if you are not a pro at welding)
2. Epoxy (the best approach and safe, problem is will last about a year plus & sometimes 2... then you have to re-do it again).

hope this helps.
Hi, thanks for that, I will have a good look before I take the radiator off, I hope it's not that! I can't weld but on the positive side, I can't see any rad damage at the front so fingers crossed. I'll let you know if I find anything. If it is the rad, is rad weld safe? I've used it on old cars and bikes but never anything this hi tech...
Hi, thanks for that, I will have a good look before I take the radiator off, I hope it's not that! I can't weld but on the positive side, I can't see any rad damage at the front so fingers crossed. I'll let you know if I find anything. If it is the rad, is rad weld safe? I've used it on old cars and bikes but never anything this hi tech...

Hi I would still recommend epoxy... safest way to patch a small hole. :)

Good luck!
My RSV-R was full of leaks until I changed all the hoses to silicon.
End of problem.

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