hahaha how much does he charge i need mine washing :biggrin
A packet of Magic Stars is the going rate but then he does have a habit of putting pebbles down the exhaust pipe and you thought the standard pipe was heavy already :dowhat
ahhh bless him.
i wouldnt let anyone wash mine but me tho.lol
Your a brave man.
My daughter is 12 and i wont let her near the bike.
Im a bit fussy when it comes to my pride and joy
awww he's so cute,he's the boy!
will you encourage him into bikes then mate?
not that he needs much encouragement by the looks of it lmao.
To be honest I don't think I'd want him to have a bike but I wouldn't stop him if that's what he wanted even though I'd worry like mad. Does that make me a hypocrite :dunno