I bought my bike second hand, so I don't know how it is when it comes out of the factory. So my bike stuttered below 3000 (3500) t/min. Like I red often on the internet.
So what have i done, I tighten the throttle. Now there is no more "empty space" beteween the turning of the throttele and the wire connected to the carburetors.
How did i do it, under the throttle you can move a rubber housing to the side so you can see 2 little bolts. You losen them and then you tight up the longest bolt untill there is no free movement anumore of the throttle. than you tight the littel bolt again.
The result is the below 3000 (3500) t/min the bike is more maniable. I don't say the the stuttering is completlu over but is anyway a big improvement. And it is for free
I hope you guys sort this out.
I bought my bike second hand, so I don't know how it is when it comes out of the factory. So my bike stuttered below 3000 (3500) t/min. Like I red often on the internet.
So what have i done, I tighten the throttle. Now there is no more "empty space" beteween the turning of the throttele and the wire connected to the carburetors.
How did i do it, under the throttle you can move a rubber housing to the side so you can see 2 little bolts. You losen them and then you tight up the longest bolt untill there is no free movement anumore of the throttle. than you tight the littel bolt again.
The result is the below 3000 (3500) t/min the bike is more maniable. I don't say the the stuttering is completlu over but is anyway a big improvement. And it is for free
I hope you guys sort this out.