BadBoy with his hands on a tasty bird

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The last time Bad-boy had his hands on a tasty bird was Christmas 2005 and he was putting the Turkey in the oven!:jack

Here he is at the NEC Bike show with his hands on a right tasty bird....I think she was one of the best looking birds there, she was one of the only ones who had her own tits! there were a lot of false ones there,

It cost BadBoy £2 to have his picture taken with this bird, does that mean that he has paid for the use of a prostitute?

Best £2 he ever spent he said!

And I say.......God what a pair of Tits.....just look at that set of Top Bollocks
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Blimey 2 quid????? That's the lassie from Big Brother 75 I believe...nope no-one else remembers her either!?....Only know this as some scrawny minger was ranting into a loudspeaker whilst BadBoy's mate was sitting uncomfortably on a YamKawsakihonda & had to stop to ask which version of BB she'd been on - poor lass went crimson!! Anyway so long as you enjoyed copping a feel matey!
she was gorgeous but when she said two quid i thought i could find better for that kind of cash:biggrin
You boyz,got it all wrong,she gave me £2 just to stand there next to me.:devious:devious:devious
Blimey 2 quid????? That's the lassie from Big Brother 75 I believe...nope no-one else remembers her either!?....Only know this as some scrawny minger was ranting into a loudspeaker whilst BadBoy's mate was sitting uncomfortably on a YamKawsakihonda & had to stop to ask which version of BB she'd been on - poor lass went crimson!! Anyway so long as you enjoyed copping a feel matey!

For the life of me I can't think of her name but she sure is damn familiar:pirate

Not that i watch that tripe anymore tho!:devious

£2 a time is that all B B 's rejects are worth.:pissl

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