If the debate is already going about tyres 
This year I ran qualifier rr on my rsv, great tyre for the street, warms fast, great grip, long life (for a sport tyre). I had a few slides, but mostly becaus of bad tarmac, nothing to to with the tyre. Been to 2 more slow tracks and I have no complaints, the tyres are faster than me
But for a fast track (or if I get any faster, which I plan to) they would melt
. So next season I start with pirelli supercorsa, good for the track and moderate for the street, dont realy give it all on the street, so it doesnt have to be that good 
Later if there will be enought $$(but there newer is) qualifier rr for the street and something slick for the track.
And then something on topic
Just sand the rust (or whatever it is) away and youll see how damaged it is (not realy the best picture). Maybe its only on the top, so just sand it and spray some paint on top of it, and its done
This year I ran qualifier rr on my rsv, great tyre for the street, warms fast, great grip, long life (for a sport tyre). I had a few slides, but mostly becaus of bad tarmac, nothing to to with the tyre. Been to 2 more slow tracks and I have no complaints, the tyres are faster than me

But for a fast track (or if I get any faster, which I plan to) they would melt
Later if there will be enought $$(but there newer is) qualifier rr for the street and something slick for the track.
And then something on topic
Just sand the rust (or whatever it is) away and youll see how damaged it is (not realy the best picture). Maybe its only on the top, so just sand it and spray some paint on top of it, and its done