i'd go for plain and simple anodized black with maybe a very small etched "aprilia racing"
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i'd go for plain and simple anodized black with maybe a very small etched "aprilia racing"
Black with silver etched Aprilia logo - don't bother doing any Blue ones as there aren't many around.
LOL poor Alan!
thanks for the ideas, i agree that the lions head would look good. Plain and simple is often best and the "Aprilia Racing" logo would look just as awesome!
The only thing that concerns me is the brake res cap has 2 screws in the top of it and this may interfere with the logo.
Ive never had one of these apart, do these screws play an important role?
thanks in advance :thumbup
Yeah, poor me. (Blue please)
Those long screws retain the cap in place, so yeah pretty important.
I assume the design on the cap will be done by a computer controlled machine, can't you just set it so that the image is engraved within the area between the screws?
Or am I being too simplistic?
Sure Alan that could be done no problem though from what i remember the distance between the screws isnt really that big so the logo would end up being rather small.
Ill get it all measured up this week then think on it :thumbup
Now, I've haven't got a cap with two screws - I've just got large and small (Clutch/F brakes) screw caps. Does that mean I've got some sort of aftermarket master cylinder?The only thing that concerns me is the brake res cap has 2 screws in the top of it and this may interfere with the logo.
Now, I've haven't got a cap with two screws - I've just got large and small (Clutch/F brakes) screw caps. Does that mean I've got some sort of aftermarket master cylinder?
A303 im really not sure, it would be worth asking anothers that have the same year mille as you to see if they too have a screw cap.
From what ive seen most mille's have the cap with the 2 screws in the top, you may well have an after market unit.
Alan might be able to answer this better for you, i know he also has the cap with the 2 screws in the top.
Thanks for your comments Ian.
Yes there is a possibilty they could be tampered with while the bikes unattended though saying that on my mille the alarm would go off even with the slightess movement, its very sensitive. I dont usually leave it in places where sticking fingers maybe lerking :devious
The marker line ive engraved on the Preload adjuster's is a good guide to where they should be set, personally i would know if they had been touched.
Ive not heard of this happening before but it is a possibility, there are some ars*holes out there.
What work is it your company specialise in Ian? Im familiar with Solidworks, i program High speed vertical machining centres using other CAD software, with advanced complex work we use 3D Solid models.
Goodluck with your bits, be good to see them when done :thumbup
I work for a precision subcontract machine shop,we do defence work,medical,aviation etc whatever comes along these days. I also was a CNC programmer/operator up to a couple of years back till I moved into the Prod-Eng dept. Unfortunately in these desperate times my services are surplus to requirements so I'm 4weeks into my notice,only another 2 months to go.
I used to use Mastercam till we got swallowed by this company who use EdgeCam, I drew all the compts in 2d then made them on our VMC's Cincinatti, DMG and now a shop full of assorted Haas in various sizes.
We now only use solids from SolidWorks ,and just throw it thru Edgecam and straight down to the mill/lathe/LTL as needed.
My primary task now when I visit the shop floor is programing & operating our Sodick EDW machine,that is something a bit out of the ordinary, have reverted to Mastercam for that as it has a better post.
I'm trying to keep out of the firing line as much as possible so as not to give them any excuse to get me off the books sooner ( me and 8 others !) when I do leave I will design bits at home ( strangely I have a copy of all these systems at home as well :devious) only then will I have the freedom to get them made unfortunately.
I wish you much sucess in your projects, those adjusters have the hallmark of Quality about them:thumbup to many people rush ops like the final chamfers/blend rads and spoil the finished item, I appreciate an engineer who doesn't.
Jeeez. Just re read my post above.
Sorry all, just got back from my latest track day which was cut short due to an on track accident resulting in 1 dead & 1 ( I believe ) seriously injured.
Reaction is setting in now I think.
Ride safe
Yeah, mine has two long screws right through the cap and has some small nuts captive in the reservoir body.
Mines a 2001 MY like yours too, yours must have been replaced at some point as mine is the same as what's on the parts sites from Aprilia.
That doesn't sound good Ian. Where was the track day being held?