2006 RSV 1000R conked out mid ride... 1st ride

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Jul 27, 2013
Tampa Florida
I purchased a 2006 RSV 1000R from a dealership yesterday (Saturday evening 6pm).

I literally drove it 7 1/2 miles away and the engine cut off. The power is fine but the engine quit and would not start.

The stand down light was on. I sat there for 3 hrs playing with the bike and finally had to call a tow truck to tow ot back to the dealership.

The bike has 2800 miles. I think it may have something to do with the kickstand. Im assuming this was the issue because it happened right after I hit a small bump in the road. I tried playing with the wire and putting the kickstand up and down a bunch of times. It was baffling because I figured it would still start with the clutch pulled in.

The shop is going to diagnose the problem but needless to say I was a disappointed camper. Are these bikes Aprilia's problematic? The RSV 1000's problematic? I found a lot of people on this forum and online that seem to have issues with the bike.

I have had 2 Ducati's and they ran like champs. A 2001 996 and then a 2004 999S. Had a few other jap bikes also. GSXRs

I really like the RSV4... is that bike a huge step up from the RSV 1000R? I know better engine and the higher grade factory bits etc. I hope Im going to be truly happy and content with the bike. It's pretty much stock except an aftermarket Akropovic exhaust.

Here is a picture of the bike out by the dealership:

thanks for any and all feedback... I like the bike a lot already something about it

I will most likely have to re-gear it though. I notice play taking off the line rolling onto/into first gear.
Also the bike gets super super hot while driving. Is this an issue with you guys at all?
the sidestand switch is a fairly common issue, as far as i am aware clutch in wont make it start but neutral SHOULD (it will cut out the second you pop it into gear though..)
tilt sensor (under the seat) is another possible cause, had mine come outta its mount after bumping over something before

gearing is a popular mod, switching the sprockets makes a massive impact on how smooth you can roll around towns etc

hot while driving.. well its kinda "normal" but it depends on the temps you are getting, my 05 RSV will get to around 98c going around town in slow moving traffic on a hot sunny day, hottest i ever saw it was 108c or something
normal riding on open roads i usually see the temp hovering around 80-88c, it has a pair of pretty powerful fans attached to the radiators so when it hits the threshold (97c on mine) they burst into life and can bring the temps down fairly quick if you are riding
the way i see it, sure its not too nice being hot during summer, but where i live summer makes up a few weeks of the entire year... so being kept warm in winter is way better :D

give the RSV a chance before getting rid of it, its probably a simple fix on an otherwise perfect bike

keep in mind that people are much more likely to come on a forum and post something when they have a problem and want help, than if its all awesome and they just want to share that fact
There is no doubt a list a mile long as to why they stop, but! My 08 with 12,000k was cutting out when it hit a decent bump. Turn it off and on again and away it went. Fix was contact cleaner and some WD40 down the Ignition Switch. Hasn't stopped since. I now tape over the switch when washing to stop the water getting in. Might help?
Thanks for the responses guys.

What do you guys think about the deal I got on the bike:

It's an 06-07 (they told me 06 but then some paperwork says 07?)... it has 2,800 miles and it was 7600 tax tag and title out the door.

I thought was a pretty decent deal but I have been out of the bike market for awhile and have no experience with Aprilia. I have always liked them however.

Loved my Ducati's immensely. I like Honda's also but cant stand the cheesy brakes and no name stock equipment they're setup with. Much prefer the brembos and Ohlins shocks setup. Plus the Italian bikes just look better. I also like the OZ rims. I wish I could afford a factory RSV version. I will have to do some more research but the engine setup is pretty much the same correct?

thanks hope all is well your ends
Well as it turns out I will be getting a factory version. Long story.

It's a 2004 with full arrow exhaust. Has some other mods too. Im super super excited.

It's in really good shape.

The R version I basically test rode seemed really top heavy while sitting on it.
Once it came to life it felt like I could toss it over easily. Like real nimble and agile.

I will post pics once the bike arrives should be next week sometime.

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