2004 RSV Cutting out

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Sep 23, 2013
Hi Guys,

New here and looking for some help, my 2004 RSV starts revs to about 3k and then revs drop quick and dies, if you start it again it rev again and cut out again quickly, I've tried pinning the throttle and it'll try and rev but the rpms will drop again and cut out, I tried that a few times and got a bang from the exhaust and a very light and fine white smoke "water"?(guessing this was all the unburnt fuel I dumped in from all the starting and stopping). I've had problems with the electrical side and have replaced the battery twice, had the odo reset.

Any hints on what I checkto diagnose the problem? i'm going to check the spark plugs, fuel line and air filter this week r, could it be a problem with gasket? although the engine has 7k


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