02 shock on 99 bike

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Jul 4, 2008

I've fitted a yellow spring 02 shock (not Ohlins) on my 99 RSV streetfighter, replacig the old ugly white-spring job. It feels low and soft at the back compared to my 04 Tuono. Then I remembered something about the linkages being different. I have a spare set, not sure where from. Does anyone know the correct dimensions for the linkage to go with the 02 shock? Which parts vary - the triangles, the straight bars or both? Any advice welcome, esp. measurements in mm. All I have is the Haynes manual on how to adjust the shock.


I always thought the white ones were harder springs, maybe thats why yours feels softer now :dunno cant help you with the linkages questions i'll leave that to the clever ones on here :biggrin
02 springs don't do with 99 shocks. They are way different in ratings. You will need an 02 shock and all the linkages and plates to go with the 02 spring. Get the 99 spring powder coated for about £10 if you don't like the colour and refit that one
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early spring as well as different strength winding are 10mm shorter due to the pre 01 linkage being longer.
Sorry gents, but reading robins question, I think what he is actually saying is that he knows that the linkage needs changing to suit the new shock and spring, and that he has a spare linkage laying around but doesn't know if it is the updated later model linkage or not.

I think he was hoping someone might be able to point him in the direction of the actual measurements of the component parts of the linkage so he can see if his spare is the later model update.

Apologies to all if i've read it wrong! :thumbup
Caterpillar you're right i've just reread Robin's post, he's fitted an 02 shock complete. Appologies Robin, you will definately need the 02 linkages and plates. As for the dimensions i'm not sure but as there are only 2 types for the pre 2003.5 bikes. If it is different to the original 99 linkage, then odds are it is for the 01 to 03 bikes.


Thanks for everyone's help. After being too lazy before, I got down and looked at my 04 Tuono. Here's the dimensions of that later linkage.

Boneo is 130mm between centres. Trianges - with the arrow at the top, measurements are 77mm at the top, 62mm virtical, 86mm diagonal.

The older linkage measurements - Boneo 105mm between centres. Trianges - with the arrow at the top, measurements are 85mm at the top, 87mm and 80mm diagonals - it looks much closer to an equilateral triangle.

So, that's what I think - longer boneo and squat triangle = new shape, shorter boneo and equilateral triangle = old shape.

Anyhow, that's how I'm running both my bikes (new shock, new shape linkage). Please say if you KNOW this is wrong.

PS now have 2 old shape linkages for sale, as if anyone would need them.

PPS set the shock and front Ohlins to the Haynes manual settings, then took the bike to an Ohlins suspension technician, who changed every single setting. £15 well spent.

PPPS Come to think of it, I did build the Tuono myself from bits, so it's possible they're all wrong...
Good to hear you got it sorted Robin :thumbup.

Any pictures of the beasts to be showing? What's the TNT like?

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