02 Mille not starting

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Jul 19, 2014
Hi guys 1st post ! after being a lurker for a while, tried my bike (2002 RSV Mille) yesterday and it wouldn't start and the dash resets to km and time to 00:00 etc so I charged the battery fully using an optimate and it showed just over 12.6v when the optimate said it was charged and tried again with no luck. I've been reading about starting problems and the solenoid seems a common issue so Ive ordered a 150amp version. Bike started fine on Saturday but on Sunday it wouldn't, the only thing I did differently was to adjust the clock on the dash for the hour change (bit late I know) and that involved pressing the headlight flasher/lap button 11 times which would obviously use some battery power, I did this with the engine off, probably not a good idea in hindsight. I'm hoping it just needs a new battery and/or solenoid. Any advice please ?:confused

Short YouTube video of me trying to start the bike..

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pull the headlight fuse , bottom one in the fuse box ,rh side of the dash , when messing around with the dash settings
try firing the bike up with it out too

Thanks for replying, finally managed to get the bike started after taking the plugs out letting them dry as they were wet from trying to start the bike and cleaning them up. Also removed the datatool alarm which I hated, it finally started by jumping it from a Land Rover with it engine running. It's now in bits ready for a new sprag clutch as the current one was making some rather nasty noises at startup and shut down.

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