01 RSV..is checking the oil really this tough?

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I just changed the oil 2 days ago with 15w50 full synth and it seems to be just fine. I filled it to the point (on a rear stand of course) where i could see the oil almost to the full mark...is this correct???
I just changed the oil 2 days ago with 15w50 full synth and it seems to be just fine. I filled it to the point (on a rear stand of course) where i could see the oil almost to the full mark...is this correct???

Do you not read your own thread mate :biggrin it tells you how to check it on the first page :thumbup
Do you not read your own thread mate :biggrin it tells you how to check it on the first page :thumbup

yea but that's not exsactly what i was asking....where should the level be in the tube when the bike is cold (you're doing an oil change) and you're adding fresh oil to the bike???
yea but that's not exsactly what i was asking....where should the level be in the tube when the bike is cold (you're doing an oil change) and you're adding fresh oil to the bike???

Ah... i see what you mean now, on my bike the oil is only just visable in the tube (maybe 1/2 inch) take the bike for a 10 mile run then stop and look at the level with the bike upright and not on the side stand. Any more than about 2/3's up the tube and you will get oil passing into the airbox. If your oil level is near the max when it's cold then you have far too much in :thumbup hope this helps Mr Chow..

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