Backfires out airbox at low RPMs and shuts off with little throttle blip.

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Jun 1, 2015
Norfolk, VA
I own a 2008 RSVR and have had this problem for about a year now. When idling it backfires from the airbox and drops a few RPMs. If I give it a little throttle in neutral it will intermittently backfire and shut off. (Loud clank and engine shuts off) When riding, starting to move from a stop, it will sometimes shut off with the smallest amount of throttle. Doesn't matter if it's warm or cold. Problem only seems to happen below 2k RPMs. I'm thinking the valves need adjusted but I don't want to spend that amount of money if that's not the case.
Sounds like it maybe be over fuelling.

Have you done any maintenance or put on/ taken off any mods?

Have you had the bike for a while and it's been ok or just bought it?

Have you recently lifted the tank?

Check that all the pipe work to the throttle bodies is in good order no splits. There are also rubber vaccum blank caps on 1 pipe. If this is damaged or come of will be the cause.

It may well need the bodies balancing, but if it's come on suddenly probably won't be the cause.
I took off the emission regulation gas vapor filter that was under the rear seat about 2 years ago. I believe I did it properly, as it didn't give me this problem until a year later.

I bought the bike about 3 years ago. Only started this about a year ago. Bought with 2000mi, now has 7000mi.

I lifted the tank a few times but not recently, Last time was for heat-wrapping the pipes. Problem never went away or gotten worse.

Which vacuum lines should I check for caps or cracks?

As for TBs I'm not sure how to check their balance.
A list of things you can check.

If you have checked all the basics plugs, air filter fuel filter and they are ok.

Check the tps is set up ok. Plug in the bullet connectors under the seat turn key on but don't start the bike. It should read Diag 0. If it reads -1 or 1 need adjusting.

On the throttle body check all the lines fuel and vaccum and ensure there is no damAge, kinks fretting or small holes. Check the the butterfly valves and bodies are clean and seating correctly

With air box of start bike with throttle open and check the injectors are both firing and similar jets are spraying.

If all of this is ok then it's may well be the bodies need setting up or the trim pots as it sounds like possible over fuel. You need a co meter. Best take it to the shop if you don't feel confident doing this although it is fairly simple just take patience.

You will get more advice on

Did you sort out this problem yet ? My RSVR also shuts down after quick throttle blip on neutral... I'm interested to see did you sort out the problem ?
Did you sort out this problem yet ? My RSVR also shuts down after quick throttle blip on neutral... I'm interested to see did you sort out the problem ?
Get you throttle bodies set up and co level by someone who knows these bikes

I know Griff from aprilia performance spent a few days travelling North and South this year doing service days

Come and ask about service days on Griffs forum tell them I sent you

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