CBR100RR Side stand fitted

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Feb 22, 2016
I read through the back catalogue of posts and found it interesting about the side stand mod being carried out, I too have had my concerns regarding the side stand.

Anyway I took the plunge and found a used CBR 1000 RR '05 on eBay and promptly bought it thinking it would bolt straight on, however what I found was that the mounting holes for the stand were slightly further apart on the CBR mounting plate.

I stripped down both stands and used the following,
Mounting plate from the Aprilia
Side stand switch from th Aprilia
Spring fron the CBR
Leg from the CBR

It looks to lean at the same angle (maybe a "baw-hair" more) but the stand sticks out a good 55-65mm more to the left of the bike giving a greater "triangular foot print" between tyres to stand! 👍

Overall I'm happy with the result,

Did anyone else encounter mis alignment, or is the whole point of the exercise that only the leg is used in the first place?
I did exactly the same as you, it was clear as soon as the stand arrived that it was never going to fit as a complete unit and so I used the same combination that you did, very happy with the result, seems so much more stable.

worth a PIN I would say
Picture please

Here you go


Here is a picture that shows the difference between the two, I couldn't quite get the old one to stand still, but you can see he difference


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