winter gloves?

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Dec 6, 2008
North Yorkshire
I had to stop on the way to work for a coffee this morning as my fingers tips were frozen... and my fingers were agony when they were warming up :eek:

Wearing sport gloves with sealskinz gloves underneath but if I'm doing a 50 mile run I'm gonna need some winter gloves, any recommendations anyone? Looking for warmth / decent protection if the worse happens and ideally fairly economic
How about some bar muffs?


Dont look cool but might save the frost bite.
I got mine from a ski shop they are awesome. Mind I only ride a moped (200cc) in winter though!
Thanks for the replies guys :eatcorn

Not keen on bar muffs ... think it might ruin the aesthetics of the bike a little :eek:, not sure how much protection I'll get from ski gloves if I decide to skate down the road on my palm at 60+ :crazy:scared
Heated Grips are the way to go. Cheaper than winter gloves. A doddle to fit. Like holding onto a warm towel rail.
I've started wearing a set of woolen gloves over me bike gloves and whilst me fingers get cold - no where near as much as before and I don't need to stop with frost bite - try it, its cheap :thumbup

My winter gloves are ok but me hands sweat in them and now they smell like feet when I use em :puke
I had heated grips on my cbr 6, finger tips still got cold though, I have tried wooly gloves under my bike gloves but not over .. might be an idea, depending on what grip on clutch is like. Might nip down to bradford mc's tonight as late night opening till 9pm and supposedly upto 70% off clothing sale
A mate of mine uses some gloves like these and swears by them ....Warm gloves His bike is his only mode of transport and he uses it all year round :thumbup
They should be great. Ive got a similar pair to use on my pushbike. I can only use them in February when it gets REALLY cold other wise my hands sweat too much.
Couriers in London use washing up gloves underneath normal gloves as its the windchill that does the damage.

ps no I am being serious
I've been using DAINESE M25 D-DRY GLOVES, kin expensive but they do exactly what it says on the tin.

YEP :thumbup:thumbup

That's what i use day in day out when the sun ain't shining on my YAM.:biggrin

GREAT GLOVES For when it's WET or COLD or BOTH. :eek:
That's only so he doesn't lose feel when racing.
Can't quite see him with mittens or handlebar muffs somehow:devious
Brought a set of muffs of ebay for a couple of quid. didnt know if I liked them or not until I had to ride to york in freezing fog at 5am one morning. had a good pair of winter gloves (normally get cold finger tips) and decided to try out the muffs. well im so glad I did.
bich to get your had in and out right but cuts the cold air blast down no end.

you look a tit with theses big black bags on the bars but who cares when you've got warm hands :)

And as a bonus, mine fit the mille. still look a tit :)
Bought a pair of Buffalo gloves , they worked well on the way home, I checked the car's outside temp gauge when I got home and it said - 2 .. I had cool not cold hands after 50 minutes riding so I think either my thin liners gloves or some latex ones might just make them toasty :biggrin

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