Powder coating my wheels

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:confusedWhat is involved with getting mu OZ's powder coated?

Where do I take them? What sort of business does them? Whats the costs? Are there colour limitations?

A bit of help needed here gents, bit clueless in this department :confused:confused
You'll need to remove the bearings and tape up/bung up the area to stop the powdercoating getting in there.
Cost around £60-80 a wheel.
Leave old bolts in the holes for the disc carriers and any other area you don't want it to get into as the wheel is heated to 200 deg C during the process.
Hundreds of colours available, have a search on Google for powdercoaters in your area.
:confusedWhat is involved with getting mu OZ's powder coated?

Where do I take them? What sort of business does them? Whats the costs? Are there colour limitations?

A bit of help needed here gents, bit clueless in this department :confused:confused

Dan, give this guy a call, I have seen quite a bit of his work, the good thing about this guy is that you can drop ya bike off and he will strip it...do the work and rebuild it all within a week! and very well priced, I was going to get him to do my Triumph before I sold it, he was going to charge me about £150-£180 all depending on if I was going to have solid colour or blue fading to silver
His website is down at the moment, and there is a motorcycle shop on the same estate.....Helmet City, and the guy that owns the company has had a shed load of work done on his Cobra!! looks the mutts ....
We could alway meet up and go up there, its the other side of Biggin Hill.:thumbup

And we know you wont want to take the wheels of ya bike, let alone strip them down and take all the bearings out!
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Had my OZ's done here mate


From blue to silver at a cost of £70.50 plus p&p for both wheels, a perfect job as well.

Remove bearings and valves, they put tape over the holes on mine so the paint did not get in the threads etc.

the wheels were badly scratched and they beadblasted them back to the bare metal and powder coated them, here is the result

No bearings should not be re used. Just heat up the centre of the wheel and then tap them out from the opposite side if the wheel whilst its still warm. Dont go daft just warm them through.

Lay the wheel down on a bit of carpet mind so as not to cause any damage. If your bikes got any mileage on it you may find the bearings need replacing anyway
i'm gonna be getting mine done just after the new year

gonna use the guys who did my frame etc
Dan the bearings can be found at any bearing supplier you just need the numbers off the old casings, this will be a lot cheaper than OE. I use a local company for powder coating who are very good and charge me about £30 a wheel , but i have to take the bearings out myself etc, not a hard job though.
After my panels are back its my next job as the current blue wont go with new paint
The colour on the bottom left looks black to me, do you think you ride a green bike perchance, if so I have some bad news for you LOL.
hey dan, I'm going to be getting mine done in the new year and happen to have a nera coloured rear oz (gonna be getting them done gold) from memory its in good condition but I'll need to check again but if your wheel is in the same condition as mine I'm happy to swap that way you'll just need to have your front one done (up to you - I'm not bothered either way as its getting done gold no matter). And to anyone else I have a set that were powdercoated like a metalic purple (great job and very nice looking) just not my cup 'o tea ;) so if you have wheels that you want to swap in the same condition then thats cool - I have a blue front as well so happy to trade if you're looking for one the colours, again gonna be done either gold / black or white haven't decided on these yet. I'll only be around in the new year to do it though.

Danglee :thumbup

There isn't a powder caot that matches the OZ colour. I got a very close match, but obviously I want them the same, so I am getting both done together!!

Anyway, thanks to Boyler for the recommendation, and top marks to H & D Racing in Ganthorpe North Yorkshire. Very Very impresssed so far with what I have seen.

Jesus - I very nearly got stuck in the snow in the farm yard at the side of their unit LOL

I will post piccy's when the wheels are back.

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