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Oct 5, 2010
Been out today looking at bikes and gear with my nephew, as he just passed his test a few weeks ago and we saw a lovely sv650. As his first bike I think it would be ideal.

Anyone on here had one :dunno what do you think of them :dunno

He ended up buying a Shoei XR1000 lid as they had an offer on that it came with free leathers :dougfookin result i say :thumbup £329 for the lid and a one piece leather suit....he's chuffed to bits :biggrin
I had one and really liked it. The 03> are a great looking bike and for a first bike its got plenty of gas. Overall i'd say great engine plenty of bits about cheap insurance and best fun bike of the bandits hornets etc. If you've ridden other bikes you'll notice the lower quality suspension and i'd say if your over 13st save some cash for new springs and or oil in the front. Typical suzuki laquer discolouring on wheels and forks but they are under £5000 new so fair enough.

I'd say if its for fun and learning its great but the hornet is probably a better bet if you want to hang on to it for a few years as it has more to offer once out of the first year or two of riding.
I really rate them, never ridden one on the road , but did 2 rounds of the MiniTwins series on one and a couple of track days. Really forgiving , easy to maintain, ideal first "big" bike with just the right mix of power/speed and fun factor.

Sproker, a friend had one of the newer shaped ones and got only really well with it. Sounded brilliant, good solid simple bike, and would be a good stepping stone to an RSV :thumbup

I really rate them, never ridden one on the road , but did 2 rounds of the MiniTwins series on one and a couple of track days. Really forgiving , easy to maintain, ideal first "big" bike with just the right mix of power/speed and fun factor.

Slightly off topic, how did the miniTwins go kiwi? wanted to do it but couldn't find the funds.
I dont think he will need to upgrade the springs....he's about 8st wet through :biggrin

He's 19 so will have to get it restricted for 2 yrs. The one we were looking at today was on a 55 plate for £3200, new tyres and excellent condition and a really nice looking bike but that may be a bit beyond his budget. He should be able to find a much cheaper private sale.

I did suggest the Hornet, and he does like them, but the ones we've seen are even dearer than the SV and i think he's set his heart on that now, especially after being on a Big Yellow V-twin demo as a rear seat passenger :devious

Good to know that the SV sounds like it will be a good bike for him :thumbup
I had a SV back in 2000 and loved it to bits. Great sound with a Renegade can on. Did put Ohlins springs in the front and 15 weight(i think) oil in the forks as under damped. Did about 10 track days on it as well. Very good little bike, i would have another, but got a big twin now so i wont!!
MiniTwins were are right blast, a really decent bunch of folks with only a few that took it too seriously . It is a really good class to be in and it doesn't matter what age , size or ability (within reason). If you can get the funds go for it, you may even be able to get a pay per ride deal.

Sproker, a friend had one of the newer shaped ones and got only really well with it. Sounded brilliant, good solid simple bike, and would be a good stepping stone to an RSV :thumbup

Slightly off topic, how did the miniTwins go kiwi? wanted to do it but couldn't find the funds.
My wife had a 00 plate carb one. Loads of fun with plenty of opportunity to "breath " on them very cheaply. Shame you have to saw the can off to replace it.
My mate Phill "The Thrill" has got one and he loves it. Seems pretty bullet proof and wont be to scary a ride for a beginner. Although he does admit he has to rape it a bit to keep up with a few of us on bigger bikes even when we arn't riding balls out.:eatcorn
I think they're absolutely fantastic, and so easy and fun to ride too and all for peanuts money. I HIGHLY recomment them. I also had the SV1000S which was another good bike and underrated too.

As for the SV650 the greatest endorsement I can give it is that if I had to economise or downgrade from the RSV for whatever reason I would be straight down to Crescent Suzuki and pick an SV650S up. In actual fact they're due an update so if Suzuki decided to equip them with fully adjustable suspension, trimed off a few kgs and added another 5+ bhp, and kept it around £5000 I'd seriously ponder one as a second bike. They really are great.

Good mods to get are fulll fairing lowers, rear hugger, progressive springs, race air filter, race can, and braided brake hoses. Out of the crate it's a great bike but when it's kitted out it's fantastic and more than a match in both handling and performance for any of the jap supersport 400's of the 90's which should give you a reasonable indicator of what it's capable of.
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Had a SV650S - 02.

Nice one to drive. Changed the springs front and frok oils as well as rear shock.
Carb model needed better flowing exhaust, Dynojet kit and K&N air filter.

Had it for three years before the RSVR yes i can recommend. But i would go for the S-model. Bikini fairing and clip on handle bars.
I had a brand new SV650 S which I part ex'ed for the RSV R.

They are an absolute fantastic bike, and an absolute bargin for the price. I got a fully faired brand new bike for £3900 as the shop wanted to clear the stock.

There are a few issues with them. The front suspension and rear shock are budget and it will improve handling no end if you change the springs and oil for a hyperpro progressive kit.

They are known to give you a seriously numb arse after 50 miles. I cured this by getting a gel seat imported from America for £80.

I only wish I could have kept the bike because I loved it, I really did. They only reason I got rid was because it was limited with power.

It is the ideal bike for a novice.

Have a look at the forum on, the forum is excellent.
Here is a picture of mine. Jesus you are making me want another doing this!!!


£3900 brand new :eek: thats a lot of bike for that money....looks nice Dan :thumbup I'll tell him (nephew) about the SV forum so he can can check it all out, cheers :thumbup
My wife's got one and I can only echo all the good stuff: I love it for a quick blast. Less comfortable for a long run, though.
I had an 05 sv650s and just traded it in on an 07 rsv1000r. Havent had much time to tell you how i like the rsv however the sv was excellent. Tires made all the difference. Pilot powers and an aftermarket fork brace with a gsxr 600 k6 shock made the bike handle like no other. Very responsive and would hold a line even when thrown down hard into a corner. Not much bounce as it previously had. Didn't notice a difference with the k&n air filter. put on a 43t rear sprocket also and couldn't tell the difference. Very reliable. Sounded great with a Yosh rs3 slip on.
Just an update...He bought a CBR400 for £650 e-bay....travelled to Brighton for it and it needs a lot of work doing to get it road ready :roll

His mate buys and sell bikes so he's got some help there with repairs etc. He's happy with it so thats all the matters. Will be a nice bike once it's done tho'....
Just an update...He bought a CBR400 for £650 e-bay....travelled to Brighton for it and it needs a lot of work doing to get it road ready :roll

His mate buys and sell bikes so he's got some help there with repairs etc. He's happy with it so thats all the matters. Will be a nice bike once it's done tho'....

CBR 400, nice bikes. Tell him to be careful about flooding the engine, they are a bastard for it:thumbup
Sv 650

I got one ! an SV650s . IMHO you should get at least 2003 version and the S version for better look and better speed.. 03 version is EFI and is a pointie not a curvie like mine. and the rear brake doesn't have that stupid support arm on it. I think it has 70 HP and pops power wheelie on the 1st and the 2nd depending on the gas and the weather. very powerful and light you can drag the pegs on curves even at low speeds!!!! very light and powerful bike and I don't think it's for beginners I had it up to 140MPH with a passenger racing a stupid beamer.
very quick up to 100 and then it accelerates gradually. suppose to do 0 to 60 in 3.2 secs. and if you get metzeler M 3 r 4s they last up to 6K to 7K they are all weather tires and love skids! :)
I got one ! an SV650s . IMHO you should get at least 2003 version and the S version for better look and better speed.. 03 version is EFI and is a pointie not a curvie like mine. and the rear brake doesn't have that stupid support arm on it. I think it has 70 HP and pops power wheelie on the 1st and the 2nd depending on the gas and the weather. very powerful and light you can drag the pegs on curves even at low speeds!!!! very light and powerful bike and I don't think it's for beginners I had it up to 140MPH with a passenger racing a stupid beamer.
very quick up to 100 and then it accelerates gradually. suppose to do 0 to 60 in 3.2 secs. and if you get metzeler M 3 r 4s they last up to 6K to 7K they are all weather tires and love skids! :)


I had a pointy 07 version, and I got rid because of the lack of power. The fastest I had was 135 flat out, on the flat tucked in. This pissed me off so I sold it. (it was tested on my own private road like :devious)

I don't know what your curvy has had done to it, but I suspect something!

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