Wet bike gets red wheels

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Jun 30, 2007
Wet bikes gets some red wheels ( with little blue dots)

By haydnfawn

By haydnfawn

Mods to date- weight saving measures, no rear disc, mirrors, ears, hero blobs ECT. There are two other weight saving modifications can you spot them? Tail tidy- standard + angle grinder = save £25. Custom paint job. Mass centralisation exhaust system. Tinted headlights and indicators.


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Do you still ride it on the road, if so how do you explain the lack of rear disk to the friendly coppers, must have fallen off sir. I doubt you use it for track days as it wouldn't make it through scrutineering. if you took it off for weight saving why not bin the rest of the rear break system.:dunno
I like some of the mods for aesthetic reasons, but for weight saving the best way is to shed a few pounds on a diet, unless you already weight 8 stone soaking wet in your leathers, much more advantageous and healthy too.

Just my opinion.:thumbup
Alright, alright I’m on a diet. It’s not really for weight saving is it. I took the disc off as it’s a pain in the arse when changing wheels which happens a lot on a track bike. Yes this is my current road bike taxed and tested, did 120 miles last weekend As for scrutineering, they don’t have it for track days, only a cursory glance to see if your tyres are shagged and you leathers and lid are fastened from what I’ve seen. Never been stopped by the filth on an RSV. I’ve had five since 01 done 50K + without any drama. More modes planned and I may paint it white. What do you think?


LOL I think every one at the aprilia day that looked at your bike H missed the fact it was there to show off the crazy exhaust and mention the lack of rear disc! Dont need one on the track anyway it'll only lock up :devious
Nice wheels did you buy them or paint them, one more thing white ones are the fastest:thumbup
The red wheels were accentual on the bike when I bought it but its had the dark grey brembos with wets from day two and yes you are absolutely right rear brakes are very dangerous. I’ve only stuck my boot on the lever twice and twice I was nearly off so it’s gone. Not sure about the speed of the white ones, haven’t ridden one yet.


Hi Chow, if you click on the 'haydnfawn' link at the bottom of the picture above it will open my imageshack account. Picture No 5 is the front of the bike with wets on.


if you've junked the disc junt the caliper etc as its as much use as a chocolate teapot now.

Are the two mods the end of the levers cut down and the front fairing wings being removed?
Hi Gaz, well spotted, ground down gear lever and pillion pegs were others. I must grind the lugs off the rear sub frame and paint it black at some stage, they look silly stuck there. The caliper and the whole rear brake were on the 'to go' list but as the bike needs mots now it is just one more thing to refit. Btw those chocolate teapots get a lot of bad press. One would seriously hit the spot right about now.



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