1100 Factory Rear Cowl Removal

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May 1, 2016
Long Island, New York
I know I'll probably take heat for this newb simple question, but how do you remove the rear cowl from a 2016 Tuono 1100 Factory? The manual says for rear seat/cowl removal insert and turn key and lift. When I do that nothing happens and there seems to be no "release" of the cowl. Any help will be appreciated.

p.s. I have had many bikes of all different types and I now have about 225 miles on the Factory and LOVE it. Probably the best bike I have ever owned.
Turn key and lift it from the bump pad end.

There are two tabs at the tail end that locate under the little plastic piece in between the two side panels.
Turn key and lift it from the bump pad end.

There are two tabs at the tail end that locate under the little plastic piece in between the two side panels.

THANKS! It helps when you are lifting the right part. I was trying to lift the
entire rear plastic cowl. Didn't think it was the small piece of plastic in the middle!
THANKS! It helps when you are lifting the right part. I was trying to lift the
entire rear plastic cowl. Didn't think it was the small piece of plastic in the middle!


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