Just how damn good are the latest Factory T's

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Jul 14, 2009
Sunny Astley GUNCHESTER Ingerland
Well chaps, we survived Oulton Park today. If any of you have a new T and are a little apprehensive about taking it to the track, just do it.
I'm no Vale' and go in the novices, I wouldn't say I was a quick rider but I like to go fast and no my limits.
Had a few good blasts recently and a bit of touring but roads are roads and well you know what I mean. I have tracked my Falco and my Rsvr recently[both Oulton] but was a bit 'concerned' about the T cause I've not really had an upright bike for any length of time before and was still getting used to it [not to mention how much it was].
No problem at all. The bike is immense. The power, the grunt and the brakes are mind blowing. The handling, good fookin god:lol. Its insanely stable with the yokes down to 2nd ring.
I've never had a bike that gave me so much fun and confidence and was absolutely perfect for a full on place like Oulton, loads of short sharp squirts and hard braking, leaning in to the corners and just letting the grunt take you through was head shakingly ace. Just 2,3,4,th gears and I didn't touch the back brake all day. Unbelievable.
Highlight of the day was a little dual I had with a 999 in the afternoon session. We was pretty evenly matched and I couldn't quite get near enough for a pass and he always got away on the exit with the more power he seemed to have. I could outbrake but never quite get in and away until the second last lap. Blasting past the lake and in to Shell Oils corner I managed to get in side and out brake going in. That was it and he couldn't get passed me then. The T was quicker through the first chicane and the next straight over the rise. The next stretch of track is Tuono heaven. Tight chicane then on to a tight right hander and up and on to a couple of nice right handers and up past Lodge, even managed a couple of power wheelies on to the start finish line. Ape -1 Duc -0.
As I said I aint Valentino Rossi but god I felt like him today :yes .

Only down side was the photography was pathetic. Like they stood in 2 places all day bored shitless. They wanted 30 quid and it just was not worth it. :bawling
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:thumbupnice one lad,delighted you had a great day and came back in one peace,yup im jelous:bawling

Hee hee. I love reading peoples track reports. Especially people who are arguably quite track inexpereiced :) (no offence mate)

Considering i've done 70-100 i've pretty much lost the 'nerves' and the excitement of riding on track and for me it's just another day out.

This is why it's been about 15 months since i last rode on track.

Top top report mate :)
Cheers. Top track, top bike. I could never ride one to its full potential. They give you so much confidence. I can never get me head around the 'bad boy', 'hooligans tool of choice' tag. I reckon its probably the easiest bike to ride I've been on. :thumbup [used to twins tho]
nice one nobi, glad yer in 1 piece and enjoyed it, never done it myself.. its on me list.
Sounds like you had fun and the bike was great!

I have only ever done a couple of hours at knockhill on my R1 and this was imense, would love to get down to Oulten and give it a try.

Great reading Nobbi spot on.
Nobster ya great fookin' bastid... Now I have an itch to go out to a REAL track. Our little dinky track is a second gear track with occasional shifts into third on the back stretch. Great for working on your cornering, but no high speed high jinx like you had. Glad to hear that you had an ACE time, and no kitty litter surfing. As for the "hooligans tool of choice", doesn't Ollie make you do bad things?? Andiamo has been known to do the "occasional" stoppie, or bump up the front end (I suck), or see how fast she can take some of my favourite corners. I suppose Ollie has never whispered in your ear...

Damn, I am so happy that you had so much fun and escaped unscathed. It TOTALLY came thru in your post. Totally ****** that you didn't get any pics of you and Ollie gettin' busy. Cheers lad. I'm having a scotch in your honour.
Mornin, everytime I get on he's saying naughty things and I sometimes do :yes. Its had 2 big tests now, touring two up fully, and I mean fully loaded and razzed round a track. 10/10 both times.
Must admit to a few
meself last night to bring me back down to planet cold and I'm a bit
this morning :yes

Not doing any work today so I'm in the

Think I'll stay on here all day talking http://i673.photobucket.com/albums/vv94/nobist/********.gif and amusing meself with all my new smileys.

I am a very happy Nobist.:thumbup
nice one nobi, glad yer in 1 piece and enjoyed it, never done it myself.. its on me list.

'ahem'------ come in Weeksy :thumbup:thumbup?????????????

nice little get together before any Euro adventures ?????

Wundrin what sort of figures are involved if say 10 of us wanted to 'rent' a track ????????
Is it mental ?

Wundrin what sort of figures are involved if say 10 of us wanted to 'rent' a track ????????
Is it mental ?

Between £4000 and £35000

Pembrey and Donington.

Wundrin what sort of figures are involved if say 10 of us wanted to 'rent' a track ????????
Is it mental ?

ISTR Cadwell is about 6k for the day - or £600 each. :eek
Just a thought - I heard that Donington might be free on a weekend or so next July?

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