
Aprilia Forum

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  1. seanramsay

    heres whit weve bocht for ****** aboot wi this summer....

  2. seanramsay

    whit aboot this

    whit aboot this, i rekon i can stretch to it after ive squared the finance on the ducati, no ma choice o colour tho http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Aprilia-TUONO-1000-5-903-MILES-FSH-UK-DELIVERY-120-/180663966429?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item2a10695add
  3. rico

    Whit ah did the day...

    Well loons...Been a sorto good and bad, all be it wet n windy n cauld sort o day! Took the Tedious the 40 odd mile up tae the rugby club at Banff in the lashin rain, **** what a lot o **** oan the roads thir is. Played an well whupped Shetlands collective erse ( ye think ahm a...
  4. seanramsay

    richt, are we gonna dae whit we did on the auld zone, back in the day

    richt,,,,mind in thegood ol days, we had a page for aw hoor tae pit their mugs on so we kent wha wis wha, an wha wis a fud,,,,ye kens wha ye's are,,,,,ill kick it aff me an the love o ma life, ''the 100% proof dochter, me wi ma ticket fae scotlands finest, apparently 9x 1.5 is...
  5. Aldo

    Whit kind of Fud are you.

    Hi Muckers . Joined the forum a few weeks ago. I'm Aldo as you've seen already and I'm a less than helpful fud. The longer I've had ma T the more I know aboot it, after reading a few treads and posts on the old teck site my dimwhit knowledge is accumulating. That said this must be the...
  6. Nobist

    whit thi feack 2

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CARBON-FRAME-RAM-COVERS-PROTECTORS-APRILIA-TUONO-06-09_W0QQitemZ170395763186QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Motorcycle_Parts?hash=item27ac6101f2 ?????????????
  7. seanramsay

    whit the ****

    hey ho its yon time o year agai,,,,tae splash me hard earned tae some insurance company, was 127 last year fir the blade an prilly fully comp, noo the blades awa and ahm aff the day doon tae the fact o wisdom teeth extraction,,,,,,,, thought ah'd hae a wee shop aboot, result 1 through bennets...