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  1. N

    New to the Mille. New to big twins.

    Have had I4s. Have owned and loved the I3s (Speed Triple). But the point is I'm used to the reving up and rev range and character of more cylinders. So acclimating to how the twin feels and sounds. (have ridden a few cruisers but they are another cup of tea entirely) What rev range is ideal for...
  2. T

    Hi newbie here and to v twins

    Hi just bought a 2007 in blue pick it up Thursday Ya Hoo
  3. S

    newbe and new to twins

    hi everyone just thought i wud intro myself .shrek my nickname bin riding bikes for thirty years presently have a hayabusa and a very trick kawasaki zx12r,just bought a 2003 mille r 6000 miles very clean ohlins etc bit worried as never had a twin ,hear horror stories bout handling is...
  4. J

    Twins were not but we now like each othere

    Love the T its the best bike for a 6ft 4 .110 kg Big boy that I have ever ridden. Cumffu as sitting on my arm chair And can still spinn it up if you feal like it. Just got back from a ride with the misses And we are both still not acking or cramped up Or eny discumfurt at all carnt say...
  5. I

    2 things to ask about v twins

    I find it very snatchy.....when sitting about 30-40 what gear are you in (im usually in that to high) When i got off it tonight, i had strange soreness in my groin and stomach, i dont know if its me ie not being in the right gear hence the snatchyness and causing more vibes than normal
  6. Leepants


    Matter of right place, right time. Air ambulance guys asked if I would fetch bike as it is the same colours as teh helo! Can't refuse them. Please excuse my wasp fancy dress...... :blush
  7. J

    my favorite twins

  8. gidimille

    My baby's had twins

    After 5 and a half year of been together and several memoriable moment I finally succumbed t her please I weight the cost cut a few corners and now she has twins Ps photos to follow
  9. rs3 mille

    mcn v twins test

    well if you havn't read it :thumbup rc8 vs mille vs ducati 1098 vs bmw ? who wins ? of coarse it was the mille fastest round the track aswell :doug hmmmmmmmmm ducati 1098 pulled out i wonder why they reckon it was tyre choice i smell ******** they all had the same on to prove a point i think...
  10. B

    Twins test

    the Factory fares pretty good IMO
  11. fat boy

    The twins

    What do you think then?:thumbup