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  1. mister chips

    Road tax

    Anyone know if we hav been screwed over on road tax. Didnt see any mention of it in the budget, or is it done on the sly as per usual.
  2. Rexr

    Oberon tax disc holder

    Silver Oberon tax disc holder (tube type) great condition £12
  3. Asphalt & Rubber

    Harley-Davidson Turns Down $25 Million Tax Credit

    The following article comes from Asphalt & Rubber to view the full article please visit Two months ago when Harley-Davidson stuck an ultimatum to its union workers, the company asked for work force concessions while it threatend to move production out of its Tomahawk and...
  4. P


    what to do! tax runs out at the end of the month do i tax the bike and and hope for a cuople of good months or sorn it and give the old girl some TLC as the previous owners have not :dunno
  5. A

    Tax Disc????

    Call me picky but when you have a bike that has flowing lines and curves the last thing you want to do is stick a great big tax disc holder on it. How do you guys display your road tax for the local boys in blue??? I have tried sticking mine in about 10 different places and to be honest it...
  6. rsvsteve

    Double your bike tax !!

    :jack Mr darling plans to double our bike tax in april 2009 :jack.... wot a :jack Vote on this link to try and stop it ... every one counts :thumbup Ps Dont forget to open your email from the gov and click the link... then your vote is registered...
  7. addict raver

    Where's your tax disc??

    Just bought one of those metal allen-key'd tax disc holder things. Has anybody attached one to the heel-plates?:confused DC