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  1. T

    Talk some sense into me please

    Basically I've picked up an RSV-R 02 for pee cheap assuming my old man was going to have it, but he doesn't seem to be too bothered. That leaves me with an 00 RSV-R Gen1 mk1 an RSV-R gen1 mk2 and a SV1000S... I'm trying to rationalise that the SV is great and has Maxton front and back plus isn't...
  2. fusebox

    i wanna talk big bores lads....your opinions??

    ladeez and gents , its seems i may have made a bit of a discovery... its seems we may have been paying quite a lot of money for big bore kits in the past needlessly.. were just finishing of a big bore kit for a good customer of ours, who has inadvertantly helped us stumble across the money...
  3. J

    Talk to me about Griffs rearsets??

    Factory. I am now really thinking about Griffs But since I am 6ft 6 (with a 36inch inside leg) and size 14 feetI really want some that do go back and down from standard also I only have 30% vertical movement in right ankle (Yup...
  4. rusty76

    Torque talk

    Anyone know the torque settings for the bolt and the bleed nipple that mounts onto the clutch slave? Ta
  5. Nob

    Torque talk

    Chaps, a bit of a heads up on the wheel torque settings. I got some new tyres yesterday and on fitting the front wheel I spotted a crack on the fork bottom, right over the pinch bolts. Their has only ever been myself who's taken the front wheel off this bike and I've torqued it correctly...
  6. Nobist

    Lets talk bike cleaning

    Right you hoe's who told me off last year about me ***** methods,,,,,,,,,,,,,,it worked :thumbup Its a different ball game cleaning nekkids to faired bikes innit. Got to admit to becoming quite the obsessive these days, even had the old tooth brush out. Calipers off, wheels off, degrease...
  7. Tuonotone

    More can talk!

    I was trawling through fleabay looking for some cans and came across these two companies and was wondering if anyone has had any dealings with them or seen their products or knows anyone who has them fitted to their bikes...
  8. Nobist

    Can talk

    Lots of exciting talk about cans at the moment chaps. These are my latest babies. At the moment they are in pieces in the garage being cored. Might put a domed? end on or ???. The cans were £130 and I reckon it'll cost about £30 for the perforated tubes and packing. Time wise, around 2 hours +...
  9. bbstevebb

    Talk me out of it!

    Top of the day to ya! lads and Lasses, Well I,m thinking of doing the unthinkable. Just when i look at the threads with the turbo Rsv and Grith's super charger. Guys comming down today to other me bucks for my babe. As I'm considering the unthinkable, a 1198s.Give me some sound advice please, I...