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  1. J

    Handling / susp setup cont...

    Lost the other thread but anyway, been looking at the manual and also the PB setup guide and comparing suggested settings, in preparation for having a play at the weekend. I have just noticed that the ride height should be adjustable, but the manual I am curently referring to is the US version...

    Anyone got some decent susp settings RSV 2000

    I know that it relates to weight and how we ride, but has anyone got a data base of what we should be looking at for a certain Height weight. Perhaps we could set up a sticky on this topic :dunno
  3. Foxb

    Sus susp....

    I havn't seen anything in a while but have Aprillia done anything about the possible dodgy link plates on the 04 up rsvrs?
  4. Foxb

    Orders for Rsv susp linkage

    Hey there fellers, just wondering if there are any of you ordering the suspension linkage from af1 as its more viable to order lots of sets due to postage?