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  1. R

    Strange problem?

    Hi all! Haven't posted for a while but my 03 tuono had a cold start problem this morning but did eventually start. Went to town and started on the button coming back, then once I pulled up to my drive and turned the ignition off the starter motor repeatedly cranked over even with the key out...
  2. F

    strange chip advice

    Ok so I ordered and received a chip from drrossi (many thanks) for my falco. When opening the ecu to change the chip it already appears to have an aftermarket chip. It's marked up Sport 845. I've done a quick google searches but can only find a couple of results which are saying that this is a...
  3. A

    Rear shock strange

    So whilst setting up my suspension to standard I've got all the guides etc Front done fine The rear however has no adjuster on the bottom of the shock All it has it the hand adjuster on the shock resovior!! It's a 2001 y plated rsv with a Sachs rear shock Any ideas???
  4. E

    Strange folk on ebay !!!!

    Who on earth would pay £23 for a used oil filter ??? APRILIA RSV 1000 OIL FILTER | eBay lol eddie
  5. rsvmonkey

    Strange clutch thing...........

    It works fine, no slip or loss of fluid, its just sometimes when I change gear the lever pulls to the bar like there is nothing there at all, it'll change ok and then next change all is fine again. Happens now and again and not same gear every time, just worried it might be the start of...
  6. T

    Strange noise

    Hello, when I started my 2000 model Millie tonight there was a strange very loud metal click then nothing, tried again and fired up no problem. Any ideas what the click could be? Cheers
  7. Dimania

    Front - strange feeling

    Recently I'm starting to notice some play in front; when stationary after front brake is applied pushing bars can feel a little play and some kind of knocking; while driving it feels loose, soft and jumpy especially on empty tank and almost like the bike wants to take its own path changes...
  8. N

    Steering feeling strange?????????????

    Got my Mille r on Saturday and after a few miles i think i have a problem with the steering. The symptoms are the front end seems to weave as though the front wheel bearings are gone can also feel a clunking though the bars over bumps. Had the wheel off tonite and the bearings seem fine bolted...
  9. Wes1

    Strange noises when cold

    Hi all, My most recent issue now is that when I start the bike for the 1st time after cooled down I hear a strange electrical noise. At 1st I thought it was the exhaust heating up but its definatly coming from near the seat. The sound is similar to something arking. Happens about 8 times untill...
  10. NJC 1000 R

    Strange Noise

    Picked up my new T the other day.....great machine I love it, just a quick question, when I roll off the throttle there is a rather strange sort of metalic janggle sound, it does not do it on every roll off, sometimes when I change down and then again as I let the clutch out it happens...
  11. mike_rsv

    Strange lead?

    Hi guys me again with yet another question! :biggrin I took my seat cowl off earlier and there is a connection with a rubber cap on the end, my first thought was that is was for an optimiser, i checked the voltage and it is that of the battery. So i'm assuming I'm right. before I put a charge...
  12. P


    Hi all, just put my rsv through its mot and all was sweet, she sailed through. The only thing the mechanic said was that the clutch fluid was low so I topped it up, now she starts and runs fine on idle but as soon as I put it in gear she cuts out slowly????? any ideas????help, I just wanna ride.
  13. oli

    strange starting and missfire

    ok went out yesterday for the first 60miles i couldnt stop laughing then.... Stopped for a coffee come back to the bike, key in hit the starter and nothing, clocks reset, big ****..checked the voltage on the dash and 12.4v so i hit the starter again bike fired up??? and has fired up fine...

    Strange knocking squeaking Noise

    This is the Audio from You tube its like a Squeak and a mettalic knock. I put the original Silencer back on and it sounded perfect, no knock no rattles whatsoever. The bike starts first time, has loads of power and consumption is normal.
  15. K

    Strange Behaviour

    The more I ride "Frankenstein"........henceforth to be known as Frank the more my biking mojo returns :thumbup I noticed on the way home from work yesterday that when I deaccelrate the total mileage done decreases and when I accelerate it increases, yet the speed is reading okay and the trip...