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  1. mister chips

    Rear paddock stand.

    Need to get at sometime a half decent stand. My lad bought a cheapie stand for his bike and tbh, its a bit on the flimsy side. There are plenty out there but any recommendations.......before I make my own over engineered rolls royce creation.
  2. Keith B

    U.S sidestand v Abba stand.

    As a few of you know,the Abba stand will not work on the T with a U.S sidestand fitted.I emailed Abba to see if an alternative kit was available,or if one could be made up.After a month with no reply,I did a bit of digging and found the Ducati SS fitting kit was roughly the right dimentions and...
  3. H

    Who need a professional bike stand.

    Hi Guys. Looks like the rear wheels not of the ground but its just the angle Check out the new stand I've had handmade,top quality stand similar to another overpriced stand.But as its hand-made specific for our bikes has 3 inch stainless locating pins and when on the stand is rock solid. Only...