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  1. D

    Remove cush rubbers

    Hi All I've just got a set of Oz wheels that I am in the process of getting ready to fit. As a precaution, I have a new set of cush rubbers to fit but I can't get the old ones out. I haven't tried anything too outrageous, but any suggestions? Cheers Dave
  2. O

    cush drive rubbers - hard to remove??

    Hey guys Getting the bike wheels powder coated at the mo, had the shop take off the tyres but I found I could not remove the cush drive rubbers. Do they have to be destroyed to get out, are they sacraficial in this circumstance?? Perhaps I can just powercoat the wheel with them in there...
  3. M

    new rubbers

    :roll:roll right guys i need new tyres on my mille and just undecided on which ones to choose. i had metzelet m3's on my yamaha thundercat which never lat me down once and seam to stick to the road like s+it to a blanket. you see i have only had my mille since november and i need tyres before mr...