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  1. akio

    Healtech ESE connected to throttle response?

    Hi all, sorry for the weird title. My 2014 Tuono recently got this issue where around 6500 to 7500 revs, if I am riding with a steady throttle there is a slight hunting, but if I open the throttle quickly there is a loss of drive for a brief moment and then it snatches forward. She is fine in...
  2. leslie

    Quick response throttle

    dear Forum members, has anyone fitted a quick response throttle to their Tuono RSV, if so what manufacturer and what price. Leslie
  3. S

    Response from Maxton

    Guys thought this may be of interest: APRILLIA RSV1000 MILLE 2001 TO 2003 FORKS The forks on the Mille feel very notchy and harsh and kick off small bumps, this is because they have too much compression damping over small movements, however when you brake very hard you can feel the forks...