
Aprilia Forum

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  1. S


    ****** bennetts ****** insurance sent me a letter on 22nd may telling me they cancelled my insurance on the T on april 7th cause they never recieved my proof of no claims. I had sent it. then the fuckers continue to take april and mays payments from my account! THEN I get a letter from...
  2. Batfastard


    Fooking useless brain dead dealers. :banghead I ordered my new Factory from my local dealer, rather then going to a better regarded dealer (Premier Bikes) who had one in stock because Windy had just traded his 05 Tuoldo in, and they weren't really keen on having two such similar bikes in...
  3. M

    Rant !

    I hate this time of year :angry Its still dark when I get up and its getting dark when its time to go home :angry Jesus Christ, just a few weeks ago I was meeting the Lads at 7pm and going out for a blat on the Bike :angry Sorry for the moan but it gets me down :down Can someone cheer me up by...
  4. B

    Rsv zone rant thread

    a place to air your grievances,whatevers fooked you off through the day,whether it be someone nearly knocking you off your bike,politics,cost of living,poor customer service,bike breaking down,people driving while using mobile phones,whatever. feel free to vent your anger in here,it wont solve...