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  1. V

    Random tyre deflation

    2004/5 Tuono fighter Hallo, A while back my front tyre let itself down, I had been going quite fast, there was nothing in the tyre, and it was fine after I re-inflated. Thought not much more about it. Last week, newish front tyre did the same thing, although this time I had arrived home...
  2. MilleBoy82

    Blast from the past haha!! few random bits for sale!!

    Alright lads its been a while!! im back in the country for a short time so i thought i best have a little clear out in the garage keep the mother happy :) open to offers on everything below just wanna help you boys out and make some space at the same time All Parts are from a 2001 RSV Mille...
  3. P

    Speed Sensor and HIGH miles

    Hi all, assuming I have a problem with speed sensor on my 07 Tuono. It sometimes reads 0mph which is bad enough, but it randomly reads up to 187mph, even at standstill which to make matters even worse turns the trip meter and overall mileage up at a corresponding and alarming rate. I am due to...
  4. E

    Random Stuff

    Found out the oil leak shouldn't be the crankcase gasket, but just the fact i've not done the rear engine/frame mounting bolts up properly. So i've ordered myself a MWR air filter, alloy exhaust hanger (carbon one is broked) and took the baffle wadding out of my Leo can :)
  5. rsvmonkey

    Serious random light problem, please help !!

    Baffled by this..... Used the bike for work this morning, all lights on and working fine, flicked to full beam all fine, flicked back to dipped and no lights at all ?? Pushed button back in for full beam and all lights back on ? Flicked back to dipped and all ok ? Back to full beam all ok...
  6. STiX

    Chat - Random **** thread

    After being slagged off many times for 'hijacking' other threads I open a thread purely for *****. So anything goes on this thread. Even open to Aldo & Keith. Do your worst :thumbup
  7. T

    Random (and maybe stupid) question

    Morning. Will the later top yokes, ie. the pretty ones with extra venting holes in that appear on 2003 onwards RSVs fit the 98-03 RSVs? Both items in question would be with the ohlins forks, I just wondered if the key holes etc lined up..... Am I being dumb? Also, does anybody know of anyone...
  8. windymiller

    some random bike related stuff

    , , , ,
  9. RegisRSV

    random evening pic and vids!

    was out of an evening just before the weekend before the weather got crap, pulled over 4 a break at a nice long straight near me near the beaconsfield services, and took a couple of videos of the prilla 1 fly by and one revving lol and just a random evening pic, hope the vids work!