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  1. dazthephot

    Rear brake pedal travel

    So following on from my efforts to sort the rear brake out. How much travel in average have you guys got on the pedal? I have about 3 inches before I get solid pressure. Which makes it awkward to brake effectively.
  2. B

    Gen1 gear lever pedal

    Hi guys i really need a gear lever pedal asap can anyone help? Mine disapeared today somewhere on the A180
  3. A

    RSV1000r Factory brake pedal position

    Hi everyone I've had my RSV1000r Factory for a few weeks and absolutely love it:inlove However, my rear brake works, as opposed to most posts I have read about the rear brakes on these. (I think this is possibly due to the fact it has Sato rearsets, which seem to alleviate the problem) The...
  4. billabong78

    Want To Buy Brake Pedal

    i need a rear brake pedal/lever for a Gen 2 T. any help would be great

    Rear Brake pedal for 04 RSV

    Or set of rear sets for very very little money lol