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  1. E

    Possibly low fork oil?

    Another question from me, to you lovely folk! Just wondering that if you turn a fork leg around can you hear the air/oil moving inside if the oil is at the right level? No obvious leaks or anything on them. Dunno what the oil level is as i'm not gonna attempt to take 'em apart by myself.
  2. Rotax

    Wrong oil?

    I rang the dealer where I bought my bike last week and asked the mechanic what oil he used in the T for me to top up with the same, despite me specifically requesting the recommended 15/50 he used putoline DX40 10w/40, what muppets they are!!!:banghead So will this harm the engine or should I...
  3. billabong78

    Too much Oil?

    Last night i went out to my T and found a small pool of oil under it. Cant see where it has leaked from at all. i have moved it and no new patches have appeared. I took her out on Saturday for a 3 hour blast, this is the first time since i geve her an oil change that she has been given the...
  4. R

    Oil change on 2007 RSV - what filter, other parts and what oil?

    Hi I need to do a bit of a home service on the old girl before I head off to Austria next month. Only doing an oil change and general check of pads etc. Not done an oil change on the RSV before, and talking to a useless dealer on Saturday, I found that there are 2 sizes of oil filter. As...
  5. A

    Technique for draining overfilled oil?

    Hey all, I'm sorted now, but earlier, while doing my first every oil change (with no problems) I overfilled the Mille by a small amount. I put the catch tank back under and undid the oil tank screw again and drain a rough estimate of oil out. This was going fine until I couldn't get the damn...
  6. ozz69

    Recommended oil?

    Got an 05 R and thought I might do an oil and filter change. Busters are currently doing a 4L Castrol Power 1 10W/40 with a free filter for £30.69: http://www.busters-accessories.co.uk/productinfo/CASOFF1/Lubricants/4-Stroke-Oil/Castrol Anyone any thoughts on that or another recommendation?
  7. stefano

    Which engine oil?

    Guys, the major magazines say that a semi-synthetic oil is best, but the garage insists that a fully synth oil makes no difference. Can I draw from the benefit of your experiences?