
Aprilia Forum

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  1. S

    Rear spindle nut torque

    Does anyone know what torque the rear spindle nut should be tightened to?
  2. C

    Wanted: RSV R 05 Silence Protection Nut

    Hi Guys, When changing over exhausts I seem to have misplaced 1 Silence Protection nut as Aprilia call them. They are listed here as part: 11 number: AP8158984 RSV 1000 2004-2008 ~ Exhaust pipe - Parts at Aprilia Genuine Parts, Aprilia Parts, Aprilia Spare Parts, Aprilia Accessories, Aprilia...
  3. L

    Steering stem top yoke nut

    Guys, What tool to I need to get the top yoke steering stem nut off my 2000 RSV Mille R? It has lots of small holes what looks like a 15mm allen key?...Lofty
  4. D

    Front axle nut

    Right lads I have left the fork pinch bolts done up to stop the axle moving, but when I tried to take off the axle nut it's stuck tight - and I mean tight enough that a small bar with me standing on it hasn't had an effect. Now I'm not exactly a big lad but, question is, will I hurt anything...
  5. V

    new to tuono nut problems already

    hi i have just recently brought a 2006 tuono 1000r made in 2006 but not registered until 2009 (strange) i have only completed around 20 miles on it, and the service light keeps coming on. is there any major failures with the gen2 tuono that can cause this or is there a list as long as my arm ...
  6. S

    Ohlins fork cap inner nut size

    Long shot - but does anyone know off hand? My caps are knackered from some previous abuse. I've got some nice shiny new ones to fit but need to know the size of the nut to split the cap assembly.
  7. T

    stem nut for gen 1

    just wondering if anyone has one kicking about in good shape.. have managed to ring mine on the millono r :(
  8. K

    Rear axel nut socket size ?

    Can someone tell me what socket I'll need to get to tighten up the rear axel nut? Think it could be a 35mm? Am I right? Also, torque settings? 95Nm ? I'll need to buy a manual. Last time I looked on eBay there was none for an 08 RSV-r. Cheers.
  9. bollockchops

    sprocket carrier nut size

    hello all what are the size of the nuts on the sprocket carriers 2001 rsvr,just ordered some pro bolt ones on ebay and are the wrong size, they want to know what the correct size are :jack
  10. theruck

    front axle nut size please?

    does anybody know the size? need to buy some gear for track days
  11. ajsfwu

    Castle nut tool engine mount

    Does anyone know what size castle nut tool i need for the bottom engine mount on an 04 factory (gen2)?
  12. Ctower

    need the nut size for the front and rear wheel on an 07' rsv 1000 r

    Can someone tell me what are the nut sizes for my 07' RSV 1000 R? I need to get my tires installed and trying to save money by taking the wheels off myself.
  13. H

    rsvr rear spindle nut size??

    Gotta buy a socket for the rear spindle nut on my 2000 rsvr as my socket set only goes upto 27mm. Whats the size please?:confused
  14. Deacs1

    GENII top yoke nut

    has anyone got a spare GENII top yoke nut - seem to have lost my one :rant
  15. RSV_Ecosse

    Wheel spindle nut size help?

    Folks, I'm looking to replace both my front and rear spindle nuts on my 2000 RSV. They are both M25 x 1.50mm. However, almost everywhere I've seen selling them states the front one is 30mm socket sized and the rear is 32mm?. Why the difference in socket size if the actual nuts are both the...
  16. B

    Nut Ache

    Not sure whether its me leathers or whether the bikes been dropped down the yokes by a few notches and I'm pushed against the tank but by eck when I get off the bike after a long ride my nuts ache. Anyone else suffer likewise or is it just me :dunno
  17. L

    captive nut in frame

    hello all im in the process of stripping the front end down on my 2000 mille to replace the fork yokes as the stem is turning in the bottom yoke. anyway whilst taking the bodywork off i have discovered two problems which need your expert of the rhs knurled captive nuts that holds the...
  18. L

    stuck top yoke nut

    Hi everybody, just joined the forum and im after a little advice. Ive got a 2000 mille, crackin bike but im too fat/old/short to reach the bars comfortably. im in the process of fitting raised bars but when i tried to undo the top yoke nut, the ring nuts under the yoke turned with it. anyway...
  19. H

    Sweet as a Nut

    A friend of mine has just got him self a RSV 05 track bike (4k on the clock) which has never been on the road- always been a track bike. Standard engine, pc3, renegade and full system. Over the winter he is getting it ready for next season. Over the weekend he stripped it down and couldn't...
  20. F

    Rounded Clutch Slave Banjo Nut

    Hey everyone. I was trying to replace my stock clutch slave cyclinder with an MPL one, and the banjo nut was on so tight I ended up rounding it trying to remove it. Does anyone know the size and where I can order a new one? Also, is it normal for this to be so hard to take off? My spanner was...