Hi Folks,
Just joined the forum today, had the bike a couple of weeks and absolutely love it.
That all came to a sudden and end today when I missed a gear change just hooking fourth on a fast overtake, tried to hook it again and then cos I was slowing down rapidly dropped one down and let...
I've had to put a used 2006 tuono engine into a 2009 bike. Fault code 1611 44. And stepper motor keep showing in the diagnostics and service is on the main screen. I've tried cleaning the stepper motor and resetting the faults but I'm still getting the same thing every time.
Any help would...
I have a 2003 RSV 1000 R Factory Colins edition
It was starting and running just fine until the battery was mistakenly connected with reverse polarity from a battery charger.
Now, it will not turn over. I tried jumping the solenoid to no avail and then bought a new solenoid with no change. I...
Hi guys. My exhaust valve actuator motor is shagged and needs replacing. Butterfly valve on exhaust is stuck open and on startup the motor can't find it's correct position and keeps searching, so according to my Aprillia dealer I need a new actuator motor. Thought I'd check here first to see if...
Don't know if this has been written up before, but here's my version.
This will help you if you're changing out the whole exhaust system as far as removal of the header pipes go. Once you get your ECU flashed (I had mine done at AF1) the flapper is not in use anymore, which is fine by me. So, I...
Hi all,
Just looking to see if anyone knows the length and gauge of the cable from the starter solenoid to starter motor. I've done the wiring mod to ease starting problems (it worked a treat!) but now I'm cooking the solenoid-motor cable every time I start up. I don't want to keep abusing it...
In a previous post I described the motor quitting abruptly. I originally thought it might be the side stand sensor. However it was the lean angle sensor which was incorrectly installed. Now, feeling rather foolish because I recently replaced the battery and I realized that it was I who did not...
'08 Tuono R has a problem when I down shift coming to a stop. The motor will abruptly quit. This happens when I go from 2nd. to 1st. gear, or to neutral. It acts exactly like the side stand cut off. Any suggestions?
Hi -
Does anyone have an old starter motor kicking about? i need the m6 threaded electric terminal - that connects the cable from the solenoid to the brush assembly? (preferably with the insulators) - mines completley fubared and i dont really want to replace the whole motor for the sake of...
Hi all,
I recently bought the above bike with only 29,000kms on it. It has been maintained very well and I have all receipts from new. I used to own a TL1000S, and have really enjoyed the move to the Ape. However, it has one noise from the motor that I'm a little concerned about.
As I...
My bike seems to of thrown a wobbly at me 3 days before Griffs open day :( recently the bike has been a little adventurous to start....turning over gets slower and slower then bang it kicks into life and off we go, altho today when attempting to start it after doing some other work I noticed a...
I picked up my 2007 Tuono Factory Friday, rode it in to work, turned in my badge and retired. Sometimes when I choppeed the throttle to shift into second it would stall (so much for a cool exit), so we will get that fixed at the 600 mile service. Any ideas about why it does that? I would suspect...
My 08' Tuono runs flawlessly most of the time. However, recently I've had it develop a serious stutter, usually at lower RPM. So much so that sometimes the motor quits. I pull to the roadside, turn off the bike and wait. Start the bike up without a problem and drive away. Usually without further...
Hi all
Need a starter motor for my 2001 rsvr. Wouldnt start today while i was out so had a look at the connector on the starter and its completely rusted away:eek: Tryed to salvage it but its fooked so a replacement needed. Please pm me with any offers.
Thanks Steve:thumbup
First of all I hold my head in shame as I have not been around in a coon's age.
After the big crash of the tuonozone website way back when it was almost the same time I bought a Gsxr 600 to put on the track and since then it's shifted my road riding to mostly setting up the bike and track...
Okay, another noob question. I cant find a thread with it here so I'll ask. What are yall using? I like Motul full synth but have heard it can make some clutches slip. Ive never had this problem and have run it exclusively in the majority of my girls. Whats the consensus? Thank you al for...
hello all, my first post. No idea what the hell i'm doing. It took me half hour to work out how to bloody post message! I think i've posted this is wrong area already! This is gonna be the longest post ever I'm sure. I've had my mille since 2004 but due to finances and starting a family and that...
After much tinkering to find the problem why my Mille won't start I have finally come to the conclusion that it's the starter motor.
I was getting a nasty chattering type noise from the relay and thinking it was at fault I changed it only to find it wasn't the problem. The dash now shows DIAG...