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  1. H

    mig or tig ???

    I,m on the verge of buying a new welder as my old mig has died ( probably of old age ) . i dont know whether to replace as a like for like basis or go for a tig / inverter . most of what i weld is car body panels , chassis repairs , motorcycle related bracketry etc . i have...
  2. supertedlover

    Small Mig Welder Wanted

    Want to buy my first welder for playing around with. I want to spend less than £100. thanks STL
  3. RegisRSV

    MIG and watercooled welding torches

    not rsv related (sorry) and may be a bit of a long shot but do any of you weld or know anyone that does? in the next couple of weeks i should be getting some MIG and watercooled welding torches, not sure which ones yet but my m8s company has some excess stock he needs to sell and just wandered...