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  1. Gilly0759

    Miss Fire??? Kill Switch????

    Hi Guys, Got a little problem i'm hoping someone can tell me what it is. I have a 2002 RSV went out last sunday and again this sunday for a blast. Both days I had the same incident except last sunday it happened just once and this weekend twice (within a few minutes of each other). Basically...
  2. shoddy11

    kill switch

    hi guys and galls firstly thanks for the advice you ave given to me so far well i ave one more question when my rsv mille is running the kill switch does not turn the bike off it keeps going any ideas going to mot her on monday oh happy days cheers the shodmiester
  3. M

    Kill Switch Tether

    OK. I am going against all of the principals of what they intended in Noelle for this bike, but it is going to the drag races this year, and I need a kill switch tether line before they will let me on the track. Already geared it and adjusted the shock - just want to eat up those who think...
  4. jasbike

    crap kill switch

    my rsvr 03 seems to be playing have ordered a new one but have to wait four weeks for it. in that period i have two five hundred km rides with ktm rc8 & mv augusta s and all twisty stuff with no cars :biggrin
  5. B

    Kill Switches

    On my old il4's if i came into a tunnel at full revs, hit the kill switch, and opened the throttle and turned the kill switch to back on, i used to get a lurverly bang out of the can.:thumbup What i was wondering is if i do the same on my rsv, will it do the same, or will it lock the back wheel...
  6. Stuza

    eeek! Brakes (?) trying to kill me!

    So, some of you may/may not remember that I had a very intermittent power loss problem, usualy in the wet.... well its not and nothing to do with the wet either. Just happened to me again today - proper style, full on, fast lane of a fast road. Riding along and it starts so I did whats worked...