
Aprilia Forum

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  1. J

    Brands Hatch Mon15th June MSV Indy circuit

    Anyone going? :biggrin
  2. badapple1

    snetterton evening 30th of june

    Just booked this £ 37.50. For four sessions pretty good value. Anyone else going?
  3. A

    D Day June last one

    Hi guys. Been away for awhile but any road; I'm going to go across to Caen with the bike and a tent on or around 4th June for the 75 anniversary of D Day. I believe its the last time that it is happening. Meeting up with my parents who are going on their bike but they are in a hotel. Looking at...
  4. O

    Olivers Mount - 15th June - Barry Sheene Classic

    Anyone free for a day at Oliver`s Mount (Scarborough) on Saturday 15th June - its a 2 day event called "Barry Sheene Classic". I can make the Saturday but not the Sunday.
  5. O

    South Shields - evening of Tuesday 4th June

    Anyone free for an ice cream at South Shields sea front tonight - approx. 7:00 pm at Minchellas ? Its too nice to stop in & watch crap on the telly.
  6. R

    Mallory Park Friday 14th June

    Anyone heading to Mallory on the 14th? £89 with No Limits. Not been on a bike in a while so should be interesting!
  7. Moggi

    Place for Catalunya MotoGP in June

    A place has come up for a trip I've organised to the Catalunya MotoGP in June. It'll be JUST shy of £400 and includes grandstand seating for the whole weekend, apartment accomodation in Barcelona for 4 nights (13-17th June) and return flights from East Midlands. There will be 6 of us...
  8. Moggi

    Place for Catalunya MotoGP in June

    A place has come up for a trip I've organised to the Catalunya MotoGP in June. It'll be JUST shy of £400 and includes grandstand seating for the whole weekend, apartment accomodation in Barcelona for 4 nights (13-17th June) and return flights from East Midlands. There will be 6 of us...
  9. redratbike

    june 2012 performance bike mag

    Hi Guys, anyone got a copy i can buy or anyone who can scan a article for me please?? this one
  10. garry

    sunday 26 june... lunch anyone?

    Plan is to get here for sunday lunch, any takers? http://www.pyg.co.uk/index.htm
  11. D

    Donnington 28th June

    Anyone doing Donnington on the 28th?
  12. O

    Hartside pass - saturday 4th June

    The weather over at the lakes this week end does not seem too bad. Hartside Pass for dinner looks promising if anyone is interested.
  13. B

    Mallory Park friday 3rd June

    Any t-zone members going Mallory Park on the 3rd of June, only 65 quid for the day with Hot trax. Saw it in MCN yesterday and thought as ive got an tuoldo racing, time to get it on the track and see what she can do! Think i better get the track setting dialled in to the ohlins...............
  14. S

    Cadwell 6/13/20th june

    Just for interest, no limits have slashed prices on these dates to £79 all groups available on all 3 days, be quick:thumbup
  15. Dog Tyred

    TT Ferry Ticket for 2nd June

    Trying to get out on the 2nd to meet up with some mates. Anyone got a ticket they can no longer use? DT
  16. Gordy

    W-S-M bike night thursday 18th june.

    evening all, i have just been onto a ducati forum and they are planning to attend this event, i'm sure we can outdo them,:nana. i know it's short notice but the weather is meant to be good, and as the theme this week is european machines it's perfect, it's run for and on behalf of the RBL riders...
  17. crashtd

    RegisRSV is the June '09 RSV of the Month!!!

    Another close victory for the RSV of the Month competition, and a hat tip to RegisRSV for winning with a gorgeous bike. :drool get your picts up, July's ROTM is only a few weeks away. -:banana
  18. Big-Pappa-Smurf

    18th june

    Im at donnie on the 18th, just wondering if anyone else on here is going? Cheers, BPS
  19. crashtd

    June '09 ROTM Vote Now!!!

    Here are the nominees, now vote!!! RegisRSV Mahoney sorry jonty, you didn't have enough posts for this month's ROTM....start posting! -:banana
  20. crashtd

    June '09 ROTM Nominations!!!

    Here are the Rules: -The contest is open to any Mille - RSV series bike -You MUST be a MEMBER to win -One nomination by any MEMBER makes you eligible to win (nominations do not need to be seconded). -You may only nominate one other member per month -A nominated member MUST have 25 posts...