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  1. mpgscott

    Anyone else with this issue??

    Not really a big issue more a niggle but anyway since i got my T back in April i had noticed that the speedo never shows 32mph. It just simply goes 29,30,31 then 33 no matter how slowly you take it up it never shows 32 very weird. Its not like the 2 does not work because 12mph 22mph 42mph and...
  2. andirsv1

    Slight front wheel issue??

    Alright guys, I was getting the bike ready for coming out to play this week when i re-tax it and noticed that when i spin the front wheel (had bike on stands!!) it won't rotate fully? There's something catching somewhere and stopping it dead!? i can push the wheel through whatever is stopping...
  3. A

    Southern Cross Web Site Issue??

    Anyone else got any problems accessing the Southern Cross Web Site? Every time I try to access it I get a warning saying it has malware issues. Like this - Click Me If it is the case for all then I'll give them a call tomorrow and let them know about the issue.