
Aprilia Forum

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  1. E

    gonna buy a lotto ticket I'm on a roll lol

    Dear Eddie We hope you are looking forward to the Bennetts Ultimate Track Day on Tuesday at Snetterton and congratulations again for winning a place. As you were one of our 100 winners you were automatically placed into a draw where 20 riders have been upgraded to VIP status and you have...
  2. Aldo

    Wno's Gonna Win

    Moto GP, hope it's a good one tomorrow, can't wait to see all the classes race. Hope the bejewelled fud doesn't clear off and Mr Moaner manages to stay on. I can't see Rossi being in the mix from the off but I hope I'm wrong. I hope the Brits in all the classes up there fir the whole season...
  3. seanramsay

    richt, are we gonna dae whit we did on the auld zone, back in the day

    richt,,,,mind in thegood ol days, we had a page for aw hoor tae pit their mugs on so we kent wha wis wha, an wha wis a fud,,,,ye kens wha ye's are,,,,,ill kick it aff me an the love o ma life, ''the 100% proof dochter, me wi ma ticket fae scotlands finest, apparently 9x 1.5 is...
  4. DeanRSV

    I'm Selling the bike. (Actually gonna cry)

    Due to a severe lack of funds i'm having to sell the bike which will be replaced by my girlfriends aunts KIA PRIDE!! :puke:bawling I dont know wether to laugh or cry. Check out the pictures in my album if your interested, I'm selling it at £3350. This incredibly low price is due to the...
  5. O

    It was gonna happen sometime

    Alright chaps, enough drama on the intro :devious Have bitten the bullet and getting the beast custom painted, why you say!! Well I have another 8 months until the new house is built so the bike stays at work. Unridden and unloved I decided now would be great!! Thinking of a Ducati Senna type...

    What bike you gonna get next??

    Thinking of trading in the 2000 for a 2005 or...........................................................................a 675 What would you get next????
  7. RegisRSV

    Gonna get hooked on Hooked!

    hi guys, just fitted my new carbon hooked air filter mod! looks the mutts nuts and like people have said, the induction noise is soooo good! just need to fit the power commander now and get her set up! althought the bike does seem to run a little bit better now.... Great job with these craig...

    Ok Lads Im gonna strip down the Mille

    Yep Im gonna do the following points 1 CHANGE OIL AND FILTER 2 CHECK VALVE CLEARANCES 3 RELUBE REAR BUSHING IN WHEEL 4 CHECK SUSPENSION BEARINGS God help you lot especially AMB67 and Kiwi :eatcorn Right now how do I take that bottom fairing off?

    What Bike are ae gonna get next??

    We are in a bit of a Jam really. What option have we left with aprilia when the RSV ( old Bi cyclider) model goes out of production?? RSV4??:dunno I reckon Aprilia should start designing a new Twin.
  10. rsvchris

    Who's Gonna B 1st to Buy an RSV4?

    I see that Taz Motorcycles are already advertising the RSV4.. http://www.tazmotorcycles.co.uk/newbike.asp (Select Aprilia from the drop down box) So who's gonna be the first person on the Rsvzone to put a deposit down????? I might if they give me £11,750.00 trade in for my '01 Mille..:biggrin