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  1. H

    final drive spindle movement

    hi rsv mille 1999 gen 1. I have come across this problem to which I am unsure , so seeking your professional help. while changing chain and sprockets I have noticed that the final drive spindle - small sprocket spindle - has movement of approx 1mm. i.e. if you pull outwards it has this amount of...
  2. D

    1999 aprilia sr 50 lc drive belt snapping

    my 1999 sr 50 lc has snapped 2 drive belts in a week need advise on what to look at thanks
  3. H

    anti vibration buffer mounting ( cush drive )

    help needed please , does anybody have the torque setting ,for the bolts that hold the anti vibe buffer housing or cush drive housing onto the rear wheel please . i have scoured this site and the other channel inc af1 for the info but none available , i have also read thru the pdf manuals...
  4. Z

    Cush drive and sprocket carrier

    Hi, I need a sprocket carrier and/or the bolts for one. Also, I need a cush drive including bolts and any spacers. cheers, Andy
  5. mak595

    Cush drive

    Has any1 got a cush drive for a gen 1 brembo wheel, i don't need the sprocket carrier just the casting that bolts to the wheel, that holds the cush drive rubbers. A damaged wheel would probably ideal... i'm in the UK
  6. Z

    Cush drive and sprocket carrier

    Hi, I need a cush drive, the bit that bolts (5) to the rear wheel. I also need a sprocket carrier. PM me if you have anything.
  7. H

    No drive to rear ????

    Took out plates to dull them down with wet & dry also put some 1mm washers on top of spring as been getting slip. Put everything back exactly as it came out in correct order and clutch quite stiff. Goes into gear but bike going no-where when clutch let out ?? diapragm moves and theres 15mm...
  8. Asphalt & Rubber

    MotoCzysz D1g1tal Dr1ve D1 "“ The Fully Integrated Electric Drive System with 737 lbs"¢

    The following article comes from Asphalt & Rubber to view the full article please visit s The folks at MotoCzysz just got back from a trip to China (the EVS25 show in Shenzhen, China)*where they debuted the MotoCzysz D1g1tal Dr1ve D1 — the world’s first fully integrated...
  9. O

    rear wheel cush drive inserts

    Hey guys Well as it says, had the wheels powdercoated with them in, and well they fryyyyyyyyd :rant So I need a set of 5 if anyone might happen to have or know where?? Cheers Pete :thumbup
  10. O

    cush drive rubbers - hard to remove??

    Hey guys Getting the bike wheels powder coated at the mo, had the shop take off the tyres but I found I could not remove the cush drive rubbers. Do they have to be destroyed to get out, are they sacraficial in this circumstance?? Perhaps I can just powercoat the wheel with them in there...
  11. v-twin luke

    cars you can drive???

    hey guys is there any tiny 2 seater cars/buggy etc etc that i can drive on a bike licence?????:dowhat
  12. Sprocker

    cush drive

    How do you know if your cush drive rubbers are knackered :dunno whats the symtoms :dunno There is a definate backlash when i turn my rear wheel before the chain drives :dowhat
  13. AusRSV

    Spring Drive Fixing Bush Nylock Torque Settings

    Partway thru installing my 520 Vortex conversion kit. At point of retensioning the (5) five Drive Pins & Nylocks, but cannot find a torque setting anywhere for these. Are they the same torque as the Brake Disc Bolt @ 30Nm plz...if anyone knows this setting can you please post for me. Kind...
  14. RSV_Ecosse

    So what do you lot all drive?

    Seen this done on other bike forums - What do you lot all drive on a daily basis?. I've had my current car for about 2 years now. It's a Vectra 3.0 V6 CDTi SRi. 2004 model, got a DTUK tuning box on there that gives it about 225bhp and 354ftlb of torque. For an oil burner its very quick!!! Me...