
Aprilia Forum

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  1. T

    Caponord wheel dimensions

    Hi everybody, I'm thinking of using some Caponord ETV 1000 wheels (spoked, tubeless) on a custom build. I would like to know the total width of the wheels (including both disks or disk and sprocket) and the distance between the fork tubes and sides of the swing arm where the axle is. If...
  2. U

    RSV wheels dimensions?

    afternoon folks, i'm gatecrashing your forum a bit here as i'm actually an SV1000 rider (although i did seriously consider a mille, honest). i'm in the process of turning my bike into a bit of a special and one (two?) of the first things that have to go are the dull as dishwater wheels. i love...
  3. rsv-mille-r

    2002 rsv mille r fork seal dimensions

    does anyone have these dimensions it would be so helpfull to me, thanks....
  4. Z

    swing arm dimensions......

    hey first time poster but just after some info for a major mod im thinking of doing to my zrx1100...... what are the dimensions of the swingarm at pivot point (length/width, size of swingarm pivot bolt etc.. and same for where the wheel mounts (width/size of axle shaft) thanks for any info...