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  1. akio

    Healtech ESE connected to throttle response?

    Hi all, sorry for the weird title. My 2014 Tuono recently got this issue where around 6500 to 7500 revs, if I am riding with a steady throttle there is a slight hunting, but if I open the throttle quickly there is a loss of drive for a brief moment and then it snatches forward. She is fine in...
  2. B

    2003 RSVR tries to turn over when battery connected and wont stop turning over :(

    Bit of a weird problem I've run into with a new to me 2003 RSVR This is only my second time starting the bike, ever. Once when I bought it, and now this happens :( I put the bike on battery charger to make sure it has a good strong charge before starting it up today. A friend came by to see the...
  3. E

    Bike try's to start when battery is connected

    Can anyone help me! I have just fitted a USB charger and wiring for a heated jacket. The battery after a period of non use for ten days went flat discovered when I tried to start it to meet friends for a trip. In haste I used a battery jump start pack but now the starter motor runs and turns the...
  4. rsv-johnny

    Bike trying to start when battery connected without pushing starter!

    Hi all, it's been some time since my last post and really hope someone out there can help. Went to start my 1999 Mille and met by familiar struggle to start and then clicking - battery was duff. Tried jump starting from lawnmower battery and then car, still no joy. Bought new Optimate 4 to...
  5. gecco

    Changed Battery - Bike now won't start with Tilt angle sensor connected.

    As per title. Changed the batt, now with the sensor connected - when I press the start button - the fuel pump primes again and nothing happens. When I disconnecte the sensor it fires up fine but have the red EFI light on... ANy Ideas ? I took the sensor apart and the ring inside it is very...