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  1. D

    Valve Clearance Service

    Just been quoted £660 for 10K miles service to include valve clearance check. Now that is £500 extra I could be spending on new kit, a week away or even a deposit for new bike. Any thoughts on the pros and cons of not having this checked. Would it affect resale value, would you buy a used bike...
  2. S

    Valve clearance costs?

    So I've got my 12K miles service coming up which involves the valves being checked and adjusted if required etc. I've been quoted £600-800 for the whole thing, is that about right? Seems a bit steep. Does it also have to be done at an Aprilia dealer? Thanks in advance.
  3. J

    2" rise clip on clearance issue.

    G'day guys, I've fitted some 2" lift woodcraft clipons to my 00 RSV Mille R, but am having clearance issues mainly associated with the front brake res to the fairing, and the same to a lesser extent on the clutch side too. Just wondering if anyone has come up with an elegant solution...
  4. C

    valve clearance specs

    I have a 2000 RSV MILLE, and the book that came with the bike gives smaller valve clearance specs than the service manual I found. Is this because it's a US bike? Which specs would be better to go with? Split the difference?
  5. C

    RSV MILLE Valve clearance

    ]Why does my owner's manual specify smaller valve clearances than the Aprilia service manual? And, which would I be better to go with? I heard somewhere that they use smaller clearances in the US. If so, why would that be? 2000 RSV MILLE
  6. C

    Swing Arm Clearance For Exhaust End Can's

    Hi all Been a while since i last posted on here, lifes been busy! Ive always had an issue with swing arm clearance with the exhaust set up that came with the bike but recently due to carrying a pillion its been greatly enhanced now causing damage! It seems to be worse on the left hand side...
  7. V-twindude

    Valve clearance checking

    Hi all, Has anyone here done their own valve clearance checking for the 12,500 mile service? Any tips or things to look out for? Also how easy is it to get hold of the right shims, if they needed replacing? Cheers
  8. geoff998

    Bikers World Clearance

    Just found this on ebay might be some good to some of you or look on ebay :doug
  9. leenineplus

    Valve clearance 12000 mile service

    Hi all, is it compulsory to get the valve clearances done on the rsv1000r 2006 model at the 12000 mile? I have had many bikes in all my years and never had it done on other bikes. I was lead to believe that if the valves dont make an excessive ticking, leave them alone. Any thoughts please...
  10. C

    valve clearance

    Any one know how often the valve clearance should be checked should it be done on a service or if is sounds ok don't bother cheers
  11. SteveR1

    any clearance issues with a 190/55 diablo supercorsa on an 02 rsvr??

    Just checking before I order and get em fitted! I know some brands of 190`s can foul the chain while 55`s can rub the hugger when hot... Anyone had issues with this model of tire in that size on a 01/02 mille??? Thanks in advance ;)
  12. Fogg

    180 vs 190 clearance

    I currently have a 180 2ct in the back of my Mille but would like to put a 190 in there instead, the only problem is that even with the 180, there is only 3-4mm clearance from the chain and i'm worried that a 190 would rub despite being the standard size, anyone else have this problem? if so...
  13. badgermilk

    Adjusting Valve Clearance

    Hey folks I just checked the valve clearances on my recently purchaced track bike. A few of them are a bit tight and require adjusting. :angry Question is- is it easy enough to do with the engine in or is it an engine out job? It looks just about doable to me with the engine in, but has anyone...
  14. A

    Leo swing arm clearance?

    Just bought a Leo Vince can and link pipe off a member on here (he got it with the bike and had never fitted it). Put it on but didn't ride it as, in standard position, the swing arm would have clouted the can as soon as I went over a bump. The reason I checked is that I was chatting to another...
  15. rsvr47

    Service and Valve clearance gosport????

    Right i am new to the area:dunno can anyone recommend someone who can be relied on and is good with the beasts from italy that tend to want lots of TLC:inlove to complete a full service and check valve clearance on my 06 RSVR:inlove in the gosport area. :dunno:dunno would go to southern cross...
  16. J

    Valve clearance done

    Ok, Just back from the dealer and the bike's first Valve clearnance check done, needed replacement of 3 shims on front cylinder. They say all looks Ok on the bike!!! :thumbup
  17. D

    midpipe/swingarm clearance

    Hey everyone, I'm new to the forum. I tried to search for my question, but didn't find anything. I have 00 RSV Mille that I bought a couple weeks ago. I love the bike (just put all the sliders on). Anyways, it came with Aprilia Ti racing can and today I nodiced there is no clearance between...
  18. T

    Valve Clearance Intervals

    Hi I've heard that Aprilia has announced that RSVRs with serial number starting ZD4RR and later only need to have the valve clearances checked at 1000kms and then every 20000kms (mine's a '04 ZD4RR). However, the service centre at my local Aprilia dealer still seems to think that the valve...